Role Play : Forum : Prision of souls

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "To tell the truth I found you in a mirror and then looked through it." I say with a smile, "ANYWAYS! since you are in a mirror and it would be a good idea to get out of it I am guessing you need to follow me... common." I pull back from the mirror and the stick my hand through and make a little montioning movement.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

David here! Hello, and welcome. I just wanna say i'm having a lot of fun with you all! Having a prison sweet, having an empire SWEET, having a worst enemy OBEN-SWEET (oben is the German word for above) Thanx for playing guys, and I await your return Rachel, who i'll never bully ;)  

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: I step through where I had just seen her hand and suddenly I wasn't in the plastic bubble anymore, I wasnt even near the battlefield "What is this place?" I ask

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "I don't exactly know..." I say looking around, "I suppose its part of the world of the Gods... this is were Life and Death were born. I was hoping to find something to control them both for a bit so everyone can recooperate... they don't realize all the damage they've done... even if its just for a little while everyone needs a truce."   (PS- No one knows where we are please continue with the fighting and arguing)

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: I sigh "I highly doubt that that is going to happen anytime soon"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: I smile "That's why I was headed there," I say pointing to the mountian, "So I could talk to Her."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: "The Mountain???" I look at her curiously

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: I laugh and shake my head. "No the person living ON TOP of the mountian." I say, "I want to go talk to the Mother of Life and Death... You know they are brother and sister right?" I remember the first time I found out the Life and Death were related. I had been knew to the prision and had been complaining about Death and how Life should just shoop in and save everyone and make me alive again. Of course this was before I understood everything about Death and his ways. Anyways a guard had told me. I laugh a little. Nothing like sibling rivalry!

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: "Seriously, their related?" I gasped "Well thats a nice shock" I Laugh

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "Yup so i thought talking to her would be a good idea." I say, "She raised them she has to know a few good tricks to calming them down."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: "GOD DAMN I HATE ANGELS!" death shouted, as he shook his fist towards the sky as he sighed. I took down my fist, and let myself fall into a shadow below. I came back up, and was at the prison again. I saw the walls reflecting the flames from my next door neighbor Satan. I turned my head to find Sensei. "You may have been my best student Death, but you still have much to learn." Sensei said, as he walked on his cane. "Yes sensei, I know this, but not how I shall defeat Life." Death replied "Ah, all in good time, but first a drink. I haven't seen you for an eternity Death." Sensei commanded stepping out of character. I smiled as I walked with sensei. "So, I saw you still remember the shadow, and portal techniques." Sensei said, as they were near Death's personal chamber. "Yes sensei, I remember. That's why I studied at your school from as a mortal. Shadows, and portals proved most useful in mortal breath." Death replied, opening the door to his chamber for his sensei. "How ashamed was I when I found out you were thief. I had thought more of you than that." Sensei recalled his emotions, and thoughts. "Yes, that's why I started the prison, and built my empire. I didn't want the earth to witness more horrid souls such as mine." Death explained, looking away. "Well some redemption, Death." Sensei noticed as he poured himself a drink. "Hey, a skeleton such as me tries his hardest." Death joked. "I see your sense of humor never stopped breathing." Sensie replied as he was taking a drink of Death's fine, and luxurious wine. 

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: "Why did you join Death?" I asked her

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "At first when he offered me the position as Guide I thought of it as the best was to look for an escape route," I said rubbing the back of me head and smiling a little, "But after awhile I started to learn Death's ways of judgement and started to develope a sort of this-is-my-home-now feeling. Death really is fair to those that deserve it. He just wants to make it so that everyone is safe on earth. Because without this prision they would go to satan, be there for ten or so years, and then be reborn. what good is that?"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: I look at her "So if this war continues to go on, you would side with Death?" I ask

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "Yup," I say, "My afterlife might not be a great one but its still my afterlife. i'm not complaining... how about you? you thinking about siding with Life?" I look at with with a smile. It was alright if he wanted to. everyone had the right to choose sides.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

David here with a few words on this convo. WHOA! Life, and Death brother, and sister. Very poetic. Nice twist! Very original yet cliche. I don't know if it angers me or not. Just whoa! Nice one

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: "You heard what I said, I ment that, Death is the only option in my eyes"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

AHAHAHAHAH! i thought i should add a little more drama into it and bring in the family rivalry stuff:P glad you like the twist!

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: "Well we are on the same side then!" I smile at him, "But they still need to come to a truce for a little while."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Izzy- ducks down only to have you  get my shoulder a little bit, the smiels  and drives my knife up  in  to you  shoulder when i  came back up" think befor you make a more the dirac Serenat" smiles at her and  jumps away only to make the water  keep her  to where she stands thne i   run at you and jumps my sword going down your back