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The campfire!

15 Years Ago

Hello everyone! 
I'm bored, and looking for anything to do instead of homework (Back! foul English essay!) 

Halloween is coming up - though i don't celebrate it here in Australia i am a sucker for real ghost/supernatural stories - So does anyone have any supernatural experiences or creepy story's of the like to share? 

I've a couple, but i'm not going first. : D

So quickly friends, gather 'round the fire. Marshmallows will be supplied, as will hot coco.

who'll share first? 

*offers bottomless marshmallow bag and cups of coco.*

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I haven't seen ghosts, although I do have weird sleeping trances where I suddenly 'wake up', and see my room but I can't move a muscle. It's like my mind is awake but my body isn't. Others told me that it was probably my soul trying to leave my body.

Cool eh?
It happens twice every month.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

   Actually Punishment, that happens to a few people that I know personally. Not to correct anyone, but it's actually not your soul trying to leave your body. It's a "dark spirit" trying to attack you in the time when they're strongest... night... when you're weakest... asleep. Have you ever felt like someone was watching you, like you were going to be attacked???

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hmmm, i don't know whether I would conisder that is cool punishment, unless you like waking up in the middle of the night without being able to move a muscle. Like someones holding your body down? Kinda crazy or scary trance dont you think ;)
In my opinion I would consider it as Weird. Nice. :)


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

As some people may know, Macbeth is one word you never ever mention in theatre. It's a curse. I'm normally not so superstitious, but this is one that I can't put past me.
The year my school did Macbeth for the spring play, the lead got in a car accident two weeks before show, shattering the bones in both legs; a container of acid in the science lab happened to spill and thus eat away the shelf it was on; and during rehearsal the lights kept going on and off. Our theatre director yelled at Collin, our light technician, told him to cut it out. He was sitting in the house (where the audience sits) and no where near the lights. Miss A (director) went to the lights to see who was causing the trouble. The area was abandoned.
Gives me chills every time.
I think not.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Sleep paralysis is when you wake up in REM sleep. Your paralyzed because your mind is filtering though everything you've experience since your last bout of REM. It decides what memory's to keep ( that girls name) and what memories to throw away (the color of the pencil she was holding.) In almost every culture in the world its recognised as a spirit sitting on your body while your sleeping :)

sorry if i went all technical lol.  

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Cool explanations guys!

Although there's more. When these sleeping trances occur and I see my room but can't move, I usually scream a lot. I scream my loudest trying to call anyone to help me or wake me up. But in reality,  I'm really not screaming. Nobody hears me or wakes up. So the screaming was all in my head?

Also when these happen, I see things in my room very differently. For example, I was afraid of my ceiling fan because in the trance state they looked like giant blades that gradually goes down to cut me to pieces. Then there was another incident when I mistook my hanged pants as a figure of a woman trying to reach out to where my brother was sleeping. Another time, I saw my window and outside were silhouettes of people staring and extending their arms to me. I'm in the second floor of the house so no one could be outside the window unless they float. I never knew they were plainly ordinary things in my room until I wake up and realize it.

And yes, weird but I think it IS cool. ;)
I have a fascination for the mysterious and the occult.

Alice: Sounds like a great Urban Legend. Although cool now that it totally happened. I heard a story once that in a University here there was a stage play. One performer  ran to the stage suddenly, was crying and desperately shouting for help and then ran to the back stage. The audience loved her! They even clapped. But the production team/actors said thatw asn't part of the play. When asked what day it was, the caretaker of the theater said that it was the death anniversary of an actress that was killed in the very same place. Turns out, she just wanted one last standing ovation.

Creepy? No. I'd still say cool.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Dude! That's so creepy cool! I love theatre ghost stories and that one is awesome!


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I have a sort of ghost story about the theater; About a week ago we were rehearsing our play after school in the forge, which is our schools proper theater. anyway, its a play about Hiroshima, and the second the actor said "The bomb dropped" all the doors slammed shut, the red curtains flew backwards, the lights turned off (one of them exploded) and everyone in the room can swear it got 10 degrees ( Celsius) hotter for about 15 seconds. It freaked us out. 

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Theatres are always haunted, from my experience, especially as a techie, I've witnessed a lot of stuff.
Oh hey, another time in the theatre during show night for the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie, I had to move a desk on stage during the blackout. This isn't a school desk. It's a heavy office desk that requires two people to move. My partner had stepped away since it was a while till scene change. But I stood by the desk, ready for my cue. The orchestra pit happened to be saying MacB throughout the entire show. This resulted in several wrong happenings, like the dropping and breaking of three typewriters. But there was more to it than the bad luck. Ghosts were awakened. And I swear, no one was leaning up against that desk and it doesn't budge. The end straight out ahead of me scraped along the floor. No one was at the other end to move it. No one was leaning on. My hands were lightly placed on it and felt the desk being barely lifted from the floor and shifted. Just an inch or so, but I saw it move, and felt my heartbeat stop.

So if anyone wants a chilling Halloween, go to an old theatre. Something is bound to happen.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Wow, I've never been put in a stange phenomenon like that ever, but man that really is creepy. It's weird though how most theatres have strange thinsg occuring upon them. Kinda freaky eh? I would've shot up like a cat scared out of my wits, if that'd happened in my experience.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

 Haha, theses are all weirrrrddddd. I'm not superstitious bu I know these things happen. It doesn't have to be in a theater, it could be ANYWHERE. Punishment, dude, see a doctor hahahaahahahah!!! But seriously that's freaky O_O

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

To Element: I talked to my Psych teacher about it and he said I needed a Physiologist cause he believes it aint a mind condition rather a body disability. Haha. Whatever. :p