Rebel Reviewers!!! ;D Forum ATTENTION!! VERY IMPORTANT PLA..
ATTENTION!! VERY IMPORTANT PLAN FOR GROUP!!12 Years AgoOk, here's the thing. I just realized lots of writers stop using this site because they don't get any reviews and they think nobody loves them and they suck, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. HERE'S THE DEAL!! We can stop most of that!! From now on, it is now mandatory in the Bella Laws of Awesomeness that all members MUST review two writers every week. Now, there are requirements.
1. The first writer must be brand, brand, brand new. Go to Writers home page, and on the bottom there is a box with writers listed who have barely joined. If they have stuff, review at least one. If they don't have anything up yet, don't worry: move on. 2. The second writer must be under-appreciated. Go to Writing search, click on the 'Search By' thingy, and in the drop down box click on 'Least Reviewed' (before you do this, the 'Search By' thingy should say 'Newest'). THIS IS YOUR PLAN (created by some weirdo none of you know, and I'm not even in bad, Summer D., my bad). Okay, so it's not your plan. That's Summer D.'s job. Still!!! PLEASE HELP THE STRUGGLING WRITERS!! |
Re: ATTENTION!! VERY IMPORTANT PLAN FOR GROUP!!12 Years AgoAYE AYE SIR *ahem* MA'AM! I SHALL GET TO WORK! And how about if we find someone who write really good and is under-appreciated we send out a RR to everyone in the group? :)
Re: ATTENTION!! VERY IMPORTANT PLAN FOR GROUP!!12 Years AgoYes!! See? Even more chances for writer reviews!! REBEL REVIEWERS UNITE!!