Project Horror Writer's Review
Words!!!!!!!!!!!16 Years AgoWe are writers and thus we work in the field of words. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of people now days have a very small vocabulary. So this is what this thread is all about. Whenever you discover a new word(s) please post them here with the definition!
[no subject]16 Years AgoNictitate- To wink; to blink Ephemeral- Short-lived |
[no subject]16 Years AgoAvalanching : defecating on the highest point of your lover's body -usually the head and shoulders- so that feces runs down the entire body like an avalanche.
[no subject]16 Years Agomortuaristic: adj Like a mortuary, death like, fatal
sepulchral: adj Like a tomb, sepulchre, or crypt nigrescent: adj Blackish nigritude; n Blackness and my favourite word - it has that certain suggestive ring to it... Hoar-frost: n, crystals of water vapour that form like fur on trees at sub-zero temperatures. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOne of my favorite words:
facetiously: not seriously as in "I meant that facetiously" This word also has the distinction of being the only word in the English language that contains all the vowels (and "sometimes y") in their proper order. |