Project: Writer : Forum : Working Group - 3

Working Group - 3

17 Years Ago

Group 3
3) Uberjam - Now Smile
7) 7h3fr34k - Absolute Time - Chapter One
11) Michael Robinson - When Hell Freezes Prologue
15) Rusty - Over 6 Billion Sheep and One Little Hamster
19) Karl Moseley - On her Dying Breath

I thought I'd do the same and make a forum thread for this group. I look forward to reading your work over the next 4 weeks. I believe I have only read 7h3fr34k's work before, although I am not sure which though as I've been away from the reviewing side of things for a little bit.

I hope you all give critical reviews. I also expect you do the same courtesy for my own work. It is one that is different to my usual style and tone of writing, as in I wrote it purely from my own life experiences and simple events to bring them together into what I like to think is a meaningful story. It is a second draft, so to speak, which has been read over and stuff put in to bulk it out and make it flow and come together better at the end. If you do find genuine fault in it that you think I can learn from, I would surprisingly love to hear it.

Hope to hear from you all soon.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I have just read a piece called "Now Smile";the style of which I find very intriguing,as it seems to fit somewhere between poetry and short story and in my opinion works pretty well.I've not come across this too often;does anyone have any thoughts about this.I would be interested in the author's viewpoint.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I have also read this one. I do have a soft spot for short and sweet stories, ones that drive home a point as quick as a dart to a dartboard. It had a twist I did not see coming, which is always good in a story, although perhaps there could have been a bit more backstory but it isn't imperative to include. The sooner a point can be established in a story, the better the reader can get along with it and see the point in reading it. Ones that drag it out (as with my chosen story but that's in a different style - one involving observation) can tend to be lacklustre, although again it depends on style and the flow of the story. Overall I really liked it. It made me re-read the first line and establish the story as different to how I originally perceived it.