Project: Writer : Forum : Working Group - 2

Working Group - 2

17 Years Ago

Rylan Batten - "Six Counts & Death"
Vicky Ann Smith - "The Database"
Natalia - "Living in Fear"
Adam Evans - "Crash"
Shaun Hardy - "Hey Little Buddy..."

Just wanted to say howdy to the folks of group #2. Just to be specific for my story, "Hey Little Buddy... (Pt. 1)" is my featured story. Please be as critical and harsh as you can, I'm a big boy, I can take it.

I will be reading and re-reading each of your pieces over these next few days and hopefully by the end of the weekend I will have a really well thought out review (and hopefully helpful) for each of you. I do have to let you know up front, I am typically very positive in my reviews. I've always been the type of person to encourage people to go further and expand on their abilities.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

You know what sucks... you spend a ton of time on a review, outlining all sorts of different things and then the story takes off and then there are a ton of reviews - all briefly stating what you spent so much time going through and doing yourself.


Anyways, Adam, I have a super long review for your story coming at you.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago


I've put 'The Database' as my featured story now. I'm working nights all this week but I look forward to reading and reviewing your stories over the next week.

Vicky X

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I just wanted to apologize for the delay in my reviews. I have finished Adam's last week and just posted Rylan's today. I will be working to finish Vicky's and Natalia's within the next day or two.

Off to do more now.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago


I've still got Natalia's and Adam's left and will be posting them over the weekend.

Vicky X