Project: Writer : Forum : A Little Confused

A Little Confused

17 Years Ago

What is the point to contests?
I see "bragging rights" and these ribbon things, but it appears that you don't even get a little ribbon next to the story that won?

Is this pretty much the case with all contests, or am I missing something?


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

i think contests took on a life their own once they were introduced. it was cool to have a few contests in the beginning but now there are so many contests that it almost seems pointless. i really believe that the whole concept had good intentions but it was handled the wrong way. allowing everyone and anyone to create a contest for ANYTHING is kind of crazy.

but i guess to each their own...

darn, i was really hoping that i could slip the word "w***e" in somehow but was unable to get it to properly flow... maybe next time i post.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

ohh alright, cool. Thanks for the help.



[no subject]

17 Years Ago


dude, i am so jealous... you were able slip it in so plainly and yet it is what made the reply worthy.

you know what i have an idea. granted it has absolutely nothing to do with the content of this group but... in the forum maybe we could designate a word every other day and people have to come up with the best ONE sentence using that word.

for instance... we used "w***e". now we must use something esle, perhaps "jelly". anyways, it has no nothing to do with this group but at least it'll help keep our forums active here.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

That would be a fun thing to do on the side, definitly bring out people's creativity! You should talk to Rusty about it or post a thread asking people what they think.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

we could just do it here, kind of under the radar... i think people would become curious if they were constantly seeing this thread always up at the top...

so here's a different spin on the word of the day (or two)... write a sentence that portrays love, with the word "jelly" in it... don't take the easy way out (ie: "I love jelly"), i'll kick you in the balls for taking that route.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I'll give it a go.

'Seeing her standing there - her bare legs glistening in the mid-morning sun - his legs turned to jelly as he stared longingly at her.'

There. Too easy lol.

I agree that this is a great way to bring out people's creativity. I have seen this kind of activity before and it is fun to do, especially with words that most people will not know.

So here is my next word for suggestion: ostentatious. I will also accept any of its forms. Put it in a sentence about fish. Extremely random (and amusing) I know, but try it out.

And I think this is something we can all do. How about this: we do a shared short story where we take it in turns to write a sentence of say 4 to 5 lines and then another person carries on. But add this twist, the person who writes a segment must then write after their sentence a word of his or her choice that the NEXT person must use in their sentence, and so on and so on.

Whoever thinks this is a good idea can start it on the forums if you so wish. Keep up the good ideas.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I got this one Rusty...


"Being a male stripper, I am paid to swing my manhood around ostentatiously like there is no tomorrow."


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Lol very nice, but I asked it to be in a sentence about fish. Perhaps the male stripper you speak of is in fact a fish?!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

oopss... I guess i become overly excited with that word that I totally messed it up... my bad. I will work on a new sentence.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

If your manhood smells like fish you win, hands down. Don't come near me though.
How bout this? It's not a sentence but...
Two very old fish were swimming around discussing how they'd like to leave this world.
"I'd like to go defending some young fish's honor. What a great story for the grand kids. And you?"
"Nothing as dramatic as that. Maybe I could be eaten by something really big, like a giant man eating shark. Would that be too ostentatious?"

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Lol quality.