Project: Writer : Forum : New to the group

New to the group

17 Years Ago

Hello all,
Well, as posted in the title to this thread I am new to this group. Therefore I thought it proper to come in and say a bit about myself. I love to write, obviously or I wouldn't be part of Writers Cafe. I also love to read which is something I also feel is vital to being a good writer. The more you read the better your writing will be. That's my humble opinion anyway. Some of my fave books include the Harry Potter series(can't wait for Deathly Hallows), The Chronicles of Narnia, The Inheritance Trilogy(Eragon, Eldest, and whatever book 3 will be titled, and pretty much anything written by Nora Roberts or Jude Deveraux. I believe that no matter how good a writer you think you are there is always room for improvement. On a more personal note I am married(very happily by the way), have three gorgeous children, and I am a housewife. I hope to get to know you all and look forward to reading some of your work. Don't try to send me read requests either as my profile is set to reject them. I was getting innundated with read requests to the point I couldn't keep up with it. That could start a whole new thread though so I'll move on. Let's see, what have I missed? Oh yes, I am working on a fantasy/fiction trilogy right now. The first book is finished(rough draft form) and I am editing it right now. You can read the prologue on my profile if you like fantasy/fiction type stuff. I do have poetry, two other short stories, and an article on writing posted as well. I think that pretty much covers it. I hope I haven't bored you all to tears.
Happy writing to you all,
Michelle Ross

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Welcome to the group, Michelle. I will put your prologue on my reading list of the many things I must attend to. I am a fan of fantasy and sci-fi so I will be very interested in what your trilogy has to say, so to speak. I have my own with the title 'Journey of a Fallen' (part of my Self-Existence saga) which I seem to go back to now and again.

I hope you find the group useful to your writing needs.
