Project: Writer : Forum : Introducing myself

Introducing myself

17 Years Ago

Hi ::tongue::

So I thought I'd introduce myself here; I have a habit of joining groups, reading posts but never posting myself, that's going to change here!

I live in the UK and will soon be a quarter of a century old. I adore writing and feel lost without a pen in my hand; I have yet to master sitting at a computer for more than 30 minutes at a time but I'm working on that.

To pay the rent I work on the Sleeper train between London and Scotland which allows me the time to write while my passengers sleep. The highlands are a big source of inspiration for my poetry. I have just finished the second draft of my longest story which I had hoped would be a novel but it's word count makes it a novella at the moment; my excuse is it's for children!

I've always got tons of projects on the go; I can't write just one story at a time.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey there. I too tend to write out stories long hand, and then sit at the computer once the first draft is done to type the stories out. This causes an editing process and in 2 cases for me I have taken 1 long chapter and fleshed them out to be two separate, not too long (I hope) essays.

I don't think I would have done that with the first drafts being written on the computer, but who knows.

That's a great piece of country you get to see. I'm of scottish decent, and would love to be able to write to the view of the highlands.