Project: Writer : Forum : so im new

so im new

17 Years Ago

hope to talk to you all. im new here, as if you all didnt know haha. i hope to become an active member of this site. i have one story up but more will be on the way. so thanks

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Nice to meet, I am new as well. I'll try to read and critique when I get the chance. I like to take a lot of time when critically reading someone's work. I usually try to see it from a different perspective than most people, but that might become evident once I start giving comments on works.

Right now I have some stories and poetry posted. I appreciate any and all comments....also, you can be harsh with me. I do not post something unless I am at least partially happy with it. I will listen to all criticism with an open mind, but I will respond to some things if I disagree.

I am wanting to become more effective in my writing. Like Hemmingway or Ray Carver, I would like to be a minimalist. The whole "If you can say something in fewer words...then do it" is what I am after in my editing. I would like to be able to write powerful short stories that are no more than 5 to 7 pages long...especially those that are only a page or two. But those could be arguably prose poems.

But please read. Thanks.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Welcome to you both. Hope you find the group beneficial to your writing needs.

I agree with the idea of minimalism - sometimes only one particular word is required in order to sum up or describe an emotion, say, or whatever. I think the fun part is finding that appropriate word from the many that is available to us.