Project: Writer : Forum : Getting to Know You Well

Getting to Know You Well

17 Years Ago

Okay so time to get to know me. As you can see my name is Watson Trippy but of course it's not my real name.Obviously.But for the time being my name will remain unknown.If you've read my story Those Moments you'd see the name Tina but that is not my name only part of my middle name.Anyways back to the matter at hand.
I write because I have a lot of thoughts and ideas, and although I haven't made a lot of pieces it doesn't mean I don't know what to right. The problem is I always second guess myself, never happy with what I write or in this case type down.But I guess that's a problem a lot of people have.
I'm not exactly the most talkative person in the world when I'm face to face with someone because I feel that what I have to say is insignificant.But I guess that's why it's easier to hide behind a computer screen. I write because it's an easy release for me.It's easier sharing these thoughts with people I don't see on a regular basis.
When it comes to writing I always compare myself to other people and how I feel I could do better and I know I can.But it's that second guessing again.Recently I've been just writing to see what I get.And hopefully I'll be posting up something soon.
other interests of mine are reading, attempting to draw, still working on that.Mastering how to skateboard.I know how to skate but I can't exactly do tricks.making music.Trying to learn how to play te keyboard and guitar.Trying to make a band although it's kind of two women band.We're still recruiting. ::biggrin::
Um and that's all I can think of.Well hope you enjoyed trying to get to know me.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I am in the same boat as you in that when I first started writing I was less able to see any point in communicating verbally to people as I felt (and still feel in some respect) that what I really have to say is in my head, collaborated within a jumble of thoughts. Don't be worried that you are not writing as much as others, or perhaps not as well as others. Writing is a skill that takes time and practice.

You say that you have a number of hobbies, such as music and skateboarding. Although I have not read everything you have done, so you might have done this already, but try to write about what you know. It is a common advice to any writer who feels the need to write something good. I have done so, although it took me a while, with 'Over 6 Billion Sheep and One Little Hamster,' that was the first time I found that writing about my experiences in life actually formed some kind of a story.

I also sympathise that you are comparing yourself to other writers and that you want to be as good as them. This is good as it allows for development, but don't let it get you down (if it does), as it hinders your writing and creates writer's block. I suffer from it a lot at the moment (although the last few days might disagree with my entries) but I find it hard to write for long periods of time because I am critical of whether my writing could actually become a full-time career option. Put these kind of thoughts to the back of your mind and just write whatever the heck you want.