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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Pretty-scary : Forum : The Web

The Web

17 Years Ago

Do you believe it has
The ability to write on the supernatural?
Me personally I believe it has done both. Why? Well it has helped because you can find information more easily. And that has also hindered it. The artistic licence is not as free, because of the vast information super highway. Because if your readers find any info that contradicts you. They are going to believe you are as bright as a closed casket and are going to drop your book like a ton of bricks. Plus make sure all their friends and family know it.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

HI Autum, gosh, the web, hmm...well, the web helps me a lot. But I'd rather read a book on a story I'm going to write on for feedback. But since I'm lazy and stuff I usually head for the web.

I found out that fiction is fiction and if presented well, though an expert would get annoyed it is our duty to bring the reader or viewer a fantasy world that we create and they enjoy and wish could be in it, and are in it to an extent.

Humph, love, ---Mishel ::tongue::