Preston Writer's Group
Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation..
Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation I [and a discourse on length]12 Years AgoHere we go- our first real prompt as a group. It took me a while to come up with an idea for this, because some of the prompts I'm working with personally are very in-depth and not super suitable to one-shots. And, I've yet to find a way to condense them so they make sense without having to read an entire chapter. I'll work on that this coming week.
But the group must go on, in spite of my incompetencies as administrator. Therefore, I bring to you one of the most basic forms of creative writing: interpretation. I have in front of me a list of 164 one-sentence/one-word prompts, so we could keep doing this for a while. Because I know that not all prompts speak to all people, I am randomly selecting 5 of them (seriously, I'm using a random number generator), and you can pick the one you like best. If you're bored or feeling hyper-productive, feel free to do more than one. 1) Flower from death 2) "My heart restores its borrowed ray..." 3) "Flowery meadow, flashing sea" 4) Silence isn't pure 5) Philophobia (the fear of falling in love) There is no length requirement on these. It can be as long or as shot as you want it to be. However, these prompts are geared towards flash-fiction: the super-short story. There is power in being able to form a concise idea and story arc within a short amount of time. This ability will greatly aid your talent as a writer, and will carry over into the production of longer, more detailed works. If you don't have that ability now, that's fine. That's part of the reason for these prompts- to give you this invaluable strength. When you've finished your prompt, make sure to post it on your profile and add it to the group (if you don't know how, ask me or one of the others who've already done so). Also, when you've posted it, copy the internet address for the story and paste it in a response on this thread, so we can more easily organize the writing and people can find prompt-specific writing. Oh, and don't forget to let us know WHICH prompt you're writing from. ;) -VassD |
Re: Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation I [and a discourse on length]12 Years AgoWell I don't I feel accomplished I'm the first on done... That's crazy.... Teehee good luck understanding!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation I [and a discourse on length]12 Years AgoFINALLY wrote mine. hate it.
Re: Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation I [and a discourse on length]12 Years AgoWrote another cause i was bored outta my mind
Re: Week 2 Prompt - Interpretation I [and a discourse on length]12 Years Agohey would ya look at that I FINALLY typed up that story. Yay me!