Practicing Spanish
De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sedient..
De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years AgoI really loved the imagery in this, and the feeling was wonderful. Using a translator to convert a work is tricky. I am going to suggest you go back and read through it, as there are some places where the translation software did not translate the English word. I use a site with 3 translation packages, a Spanish/English dictionary, and my gut insticts to try to find the right words. Sometimes, it is an agonizingly slow process, but worth it for the results/ I'll tell you, having to translate a love letter written in Spanish opened my eyes to the careful nuance required to navigate the realms of poetry in another language. Not wanting to create an international incident of misunderstanding, I very quickly learned to improve my level of comprehension!
All joking aside, gaining proficiency in any language is difficult. I share my experiences with you as mere suggestions for improving. |
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years AgoRaquelita,..yes and please do that here as well..ill comment here in english as I know my profiency in Spanish Lit is to say the least Lacking.. I used the translator to pick brains and to get to the I know how" Cabron" translates ..sob in idiomaticas and Old Goat in the yes im looking for the foibles of translator use ..very much and thanx for pointing that out as well...if you have time or wish to pick out a few places in this piece id like to match notes on where it goes wrong..or at least sideways?I know how busy you are ..but if some others were on here I could bug them as well ..ya know? I noticed in the volcano piece the word used for a backlit outline in (spanish/lang--gonna use the abbrev of "sp/la") and it is way more descriptive than the english.... Laury
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years Agogonna ramble here so if you have time to comment do so or maybe someone else will join us?..hopefully more proficient than goes ..Section by section... "
Libación propio infiernos--ok but stiff Otro paso más hacia la transmutación-looking better Cielo me no ofreció ninguna liberación-word for word ,lacks inspiracion Así que respira fuego-these last two will echo, so how do they sound as an idiom? I deberá |
Re: De la Roja Uvas --anyone have any constructive criticizm?13 Years Agook ...anyone else have something to say on my translation ?I would love some comments, interaction..anything ya;ll?
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years AgoRemember that the grammar rules of Spanish can be fluid, and are often based solely on what sounds better. If you don't like the way a sentence reads, 9 times out of 10 there is a way to rephrase it. When you're talking about poetry especially, it is possible to add descriptive words that convey more meaning than a 1:1 translation might.
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years Agoexcellant point...what I'm looking for ...other ways of rewording...but mostly to write the original In spanish...I'm still working on that one...something simple will have to start the poem route...
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years Agohow would anyone translate into spanish"..eye of the beholder"? ojo del contenador?que mirador del proprio?..como , por favor?
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years AgoNeither of my dictionaries, nor the translation site I work with (which always gives me 3 options to choose from), gives anything that is a direct translation or colloquialism, so i would assume "ojo del espectador" would be the closest literal translation.
Re: De la Roja Uvas Vidrio Sediento de Calidez de Rojo13 Years AgoNeva is in... I'll be sending a message to all members soon. Que tengas un dia muy feliz y con muchos exitos, amigo!