Poetic Infusion Society Forum A Skeptic...
A Skeptic...13 Years AgoThe following terms are reason for some concern. The profit from book sales is then distributed via monthly check to each writer/author. As long as the book continues to sell." I understand wanting to have finalists buy the books, though it should NOT be a requirement. 1) How much will the book cost? Also, what means will be used to keep track of both a proof of purchase from every author, as well as the promised monthly check distribution? Furthermore, though monthly checks are offered, 2) How many books will be printed and how long will the sale LAST? If you print a limited amount of books, then after WE buy them, are you going to print more so that sales can continue? 3) Will WE see a profit? From, A Skeptic P.S.: Love the idea, just a few questions that need to be answered. |
Re: A Skeptic...13 Years AgoOriginally posted by Jennifer Gabriel The following terms are reason for some concern. The profit from book sales is then distributed via monthly check to each writer/author. As long as the book continues to sell." I understand wanting to have finalists buy the books, though it should NOT be a requirement. 1) How much will the book cost? Also, what means will be used to keep track of both a proof of purchase from every author, as well as the promised monthly check distribution? Furthermore, though monthly checks are offered, 2) How many books will be printed and how long will the sale LAST? If you print a limited amount of books, then after WE buy them, are you going to print more so that sales can continue? 3) Will WE see a profit? From, A Skeptic P.S.: Love the idea, just a few questions that need to be answered. Hey Skeptism keeps our society alive. We have provided the answers to your questions prior to your asking... it is all provided on these links provided below. However, I will answer your questions here, so anyone with the same questions will have the access to a quick answer. First question, cost: Each book will contain 300 poems valued in that quantity for much, much more we offer for $30.00. *we ran an unofficial survey to find out what would be a fair price and the decided price was $40.00. Next, we are simply a group of writers not a professional publisher... we would like to put those cheating seasonal publishers to shame and change the way they treat writers like myself and many more... How long will the book be for sale? Google search seasonal publishers, yes, that is what they are called. THEY offer your book for sale only a certain amount of time, then it is on to the next "big thing" OUR answer to this is, offer diverse books and keep them for sale for as long as we are in business. "Poetic Infusion is a group of writers NOT publishers" We have gotten together to provide writers with a different/affordable way to be published. After all you are not paying for marketing (you are helping market) you are not paying a pencil pusher (the group is the pencil pushers) you are not paying the high cost of publication with upfront costs, the price of your book to print do the research, I assure you that most of us already have and it is not a pretty thing. (our charge of 1 book each writer published will absorb all of that, we ask for not one more penny, unless of course you are published in another one of our books and then it is the same senerio). Last question: OUR printing company has made a deal with us to ship quantity, we will not print a minute amount of books, our goal is to warehouse and ship as ordered. You will be paid per quarter after the initial 300. Meaning, the 300 published writers will make their one purchase and no more (unless they want more copies). Then, every order taken thereafter will be divided, EACH month sales are calculated and a quarterly check is sent to the writers published in that book (for life of our co-op) Don't worry we understand the need for questions and value you as a writer. oh, here are the links I promised... have a great day. Legacy |
Re: A Skeptic...13 Years Ago will help.
Re: A Skeptic...13 Years Agogreat, thanks for both of your replies!