Philosophers Unconstrained By Genre Writing
Fifth EllipsisA Poem by Hunter Zabbai |
Why should I be afraid of..A Poem by Hunter Zabbai |
Boney KneesA Poem by Rufio The Jedi |
I Stomp My Feet. I Am A G..A Poem by Rufio The Jedi |
PandoraA Poem by Robert Francis Callaci |
RememberA Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra.. |
3 Songs of WarA Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra.. |
As Mother SpinsA Poem by Viper9 |
A Rhapsody in ProseA Poem by Robert Francis Callaci |
Stale Tea.A Poem by Hunter Zabbai |
EchoesA Poem by Hunter Zabbai |
I am Gob!A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra.. |
Do you get it yet?A Poem by Hunter Zabbai |
Killing The BuddhaA Poem by Robert Francis Callaci |
All My Obsequious FriendsA Poem by Viper9 |