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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Pathfinder : Forum : Tell Me What You Want

Tell Me What You Want

8 Years Ago

As the thread says tell me what you want out of this. Do you want to run a game set in the world of the dead or maybe an anime? Perhaps you like sci-fi and want space combat. Maybe you like pirates and want to sail the seven seas.

The more you guys tell me what you want the better I can create that world for you guys. You should not stop there though tell me what character you want to create what task you wish to undertake. These things help. The last thing I want is to create a world you guys are unhappy with.

Re: Tell Me What You Want

8 Years Ago

Lol I didn't see this until after I responded to the other.. Sorry! 1. My name: Susan Sunn 2. The beginnings of peace after the worst world war..World War 5..half the population is gone.. You don't know if you can trust anyone BC of secret bio-chips randomly injected by the government.. 3. Psychiatrist at one time, turned P.O.W retriever.. Pushing forward to reunite families as her own children were stolen and have not yet been found.. 4. I have no freaking clue B.W. lol?;?!!!