Paradigm Shift Ambassadors
Second review session SUNDAY J..
Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years AgoI will start things off and go early, since I am never sure if I will have internet acess later in the day. If you did not get the e-mail witht he recipient, PM me. Have fun storming the castle!
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years Agoit would take a miracle
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years AgoThis second flashmob is a wee bit inglorious, since the writer does not accept ratings. That said there's no way we can place him in the Top Writers' box.
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years AgoI was wondering what happened.
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years AgoI thought about that. If the point is "only" to push a writer into top writer, then a simple fix would be to make it a point to only include works that permit a rating. If, however, the point is to expose good writing to a larger audience, then today's mob was a glowing success, because I think every single person who took time to respond was impressed by the quality of today's piece. We don't know J's time table/ work schedule in NZ, but I think we can asusme he si going to be thrilled to see 18 or so new reviews, several subscriptions, and probably a couple of other reviews as well. Knowing J, he will respond in kind, and open up even more channeles of reading/ reviewing. Thus to me, even though we did not break into the "Top Writes" today, the mob was still a success. What does everyone else think? Also, keep suggestions coming.
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years Agoit was really never about the Top Writers box for me, opening up new channels and relationships should be our main goal
Re: Second review session SUNDAY JUNE 16, 201311 Years AgoI agree with Emily. That seems to be the best way to go about things because that approach would spread a lot of light around the cafe. At this point I sort of see the top writer spot as something that has been cheapened by the antics of other members of the WC. So with the approach of getting recognition for deserving writers regardless of rating, we could develop a divergent section of culture here based upon love of writing instead of love of rating. I think making the top writers section is just icing on the cake for our efforts. In the end, I the art and the connections that we create though that art will be the most permanent and positive things.
Respectfully yours, -Clockwork |