Pain Darkness Alone : Forum : Free from me

Free from me

12 Years Ago

Come stand behind me. I'm going to fall.
Just this once help me. I have no one at all.
 I know you wont like it, or want to come near.
Hating me always, my existence, my fear.
 I don't really blame you. I have taken alot.
But I looked up to you, saw all that I'm not.
 I'm sure it is hard to look at my face.
You will never realize, my world is a dark place.
 So go on without me, leave me in your past.
Live your life well and feel free at last.

Re: Free from me

12 Years Ago

This is very very good its a beautiful darkness. I'm so glad you joined

Re: Free from me

12 Years Ago

I really like the opening, I can feel your pain, "I have no one at all."  It is a really good poem. Nice job.