Novels & Short Stories
Escaping the Arena - Tales fro..
Escaping the Arena - Tales from the Outlands | An Apex Legends Story1 Year Ago
Fitzroy was one of the finest Legends ever to grace this Arena. None
other would come close to matching his self-assurance and bravery.
Respected by many who admit, and more than don’t. This wouldn’t
bother him, because he is an icon to those that want to see someone
start from nothing, and then have everything.
is the story of his death.
Lounge was quiet this morning. Or rather, a facsimile of it. The
Legends weren't allowed outside of the Arena facilities for half the
year. Only Walter,
and Makai
are here while Elliot
serves, for old time’s sake. Though
has enjoyed every minute of
bamboozling and out-witting (Or "Elliot-Witting" as he
likes to say) his opponents in the Blood-Sport known as the Apex
Games, he still finds that he’s
missing his mother, Evelyn, more now than ever before. He’s also
the life of a bar
after the mortal terror of fighting in the Games, now seems like
meaningless busywork. He's
playing the song "Cherry Thrill" by Movements through his
speaker, and
to ask about the mood.
“Why so glum, guys? We’ve got the day off, let’s drink our brains out!” “I do not partake of mind-addling substances. While I believe that everyone should choose for themselves, I would rather have my wits about me always.” Blódhundr answers politely. Walter strides in with more confidence than 10 people would ever need altogether, and yells across the room to Blódhundr. “Well, what the hell’re ya doing in a bar, then?” Elliot and Makai wave to Walter, cheering his Legend name. “Fu-u-use!!” “Evenin’ fellas! How are we??” “Uh, not too great, I guess,” Elliot replies. Walter rests his metal arm in his usual spot on top of the bar, where by now, there is a large dent the size of an apple, and notices that the Lounge is quite dull at the moment. “Ah, no kiddin’? What’s this sorry-lookin’ lot?” “I don’t know what’s wrong with them. I suggested alcohol, and I’ve never needed anything else…” Says Elliot, watching them curiously, as one does if watching a baby Leviathan who decides to speak English. Makai looks up from his drink, towards Elliot. “I don’t wanna offend you, Elliot, but what works for you doesn’t work for everyone else.” Makai turns to Walter. “I think we’re just tired of wondering if we’ll come home after every match.” Elliot seems to agree. “Yeah, I gotta admit, I’m not feeling great about heading up to the Dropship tomorrow.” “Oh, come on! I know we’re going out there to fight and likely die soon, but this is the life! We've got more money and fame than anyone else in the Frontier! We all signed up for it, no use mopin’ about now!” Walter says, incredulous. Blódhundr looks to Walter. “I don’t want to lose you.” Walter hears this, and his expression sobers up. He looks to Makai and Elliot. “Gimme some privacy here, fellas?” They nod and leave for their bunks. Walter sits with Blódhundr and tries to reassure them. “Now, don’t go worryin’ yourself about me, ya hear?” “I cannot deny my fears. You must understand that.” “‘Course I understand, but I’ve been at this for years. You can’t imagine that there’s something I won’t handle?” “But I do. I care for you, my Walter. Please do not leave me. We must find another way out of this life. I have had my fill, surely you have as well!” Walter sits in silence for the longest time… a most unusual occurrence. When he finally answers, Blódhundr can tell that he’s being completely truthful. “I’m sorry... I didn’t know you felt like that.” He is quiet again for a moment. “If that’s what you want, I’m set on it as well…” Walter perks up, suddenly inspired. “I’d bet the best time to bust outta here is during the match.” “Are you certain?” “I am. Figure you can scan for a path with the fewest hostiles, we could nab a nice Trident hovercraft, I could outfit it with a heat shield for the radiation, and blow up the outer walls before anyone realizes we’re gone.” “Then I will support you. Let us try.” “Absolutely. Tomorrow, we’re free from the Arena... y'know, you’re quite lucky to have someone as great as I am here…” Blódhundr laughs softly — another unusual occurrence. “I love you, Walter.” Blódhundr carefully removes their helmet. Something they haven’t done in many years. Walter is honored to witness such an event, and is taken aback by their gentle beauty. Their face is quite pale, rarely having seen the sun in any world, yet Walter sees a great passion in them. Blódhundr’s white-blue eyes meet Walter’s remaining brown, and they hold each-other close, listening to the song still playing from the phone that Elliot was kind enough to leave on the bar, desperately wanting to stay that way for all eternity. May all others take their best shot, though it's very likely that no-one in this good universe could tear them apart. I’m feeding off your energy The way you move so expertly You fill my head with diamond rings Everyone else is dead to me Ooh, am I the only one? I think it might be fun Drop everything and run Ooh, you look so fit to kill World explodes and I’m with you still Hypnotized in your cherry thrill |