Novels & Short Stories
Thrift shop story: with a twis..
Thrift shop story: with a twist4 Years AgoGavin loved to shop at thrift stores; his favorite
items were old pocket watches, and old portraits of New England. It was at
Walt’s Thrift shop where he found something unusual.
As he perused the shop, his eyes caught hold of an old pocket watch. The watch was engraved and also had a beautiful design of a train from the past. The engraved initials read: “EGV.” He meandered up to the salesman and asked, “How much is it worth?” The elderly man replied, “Oh. That watch is not worth much. It is simply a replica of that time period. How much would you pay me for the watch?” Gavin hesitated for a few minutes and then replied, “I could give you no more than $20.” “Well, sir, you have just purchased a watch! Let me wrap it up for you.” “No. That’s O.K. I’ll just slip it in my back pocket. Thanks so much!” Gavin smiled all the way home. He knew a few things about old pocket watches. Of course, some were not worth much but the one he purchased was worth a great deal. He just purchased a pocket watch for $20 that was worth thousands! “Honey, I’m home!” He saw a note on the kitchen table that read: “Going out for the day; will be back around three this afternoon.” Betty, his wife, also loved thrift stores, and knew about the value of items. Gavin lay on the couch to rest before his wife came home. He laid the pocket watch on the coffee table next to the sofa. After he woke up, he saw that the pocket watch was gone. In place of the pocket watch was a note that read, “Have the watch, took my share of our savings and won’t be back.” Love Betty |