Novels & Short Stories
Kindly take note
Kindly take note6 Years Ago(This message has been copied and resubmitted) (Please don't think that detracts from its sincerity) I have a short story that I intend to complete as a novella and have placed significant effort into the first quarter. It is titled (Dionysian Short) and is featured on both my page and under the 'writing' section of this page. It was initially written as a project for a Greek mythology class and scored a 93%, apparently the highest grade in a fairly large classroom. I was emailed by my Prof shortly after the end of the semester and was advised to submit it to a literary journal for publication. I had wanted to elaborate more on the world, characters and mythology and have since extended it from 2000 to approximately 6000 words. I would greatly appreciate some feedback or dialogue regarding the story and seeing as this is a community based website for writers, I thought I would crowd source for some opinions. I am more than willing to exchange reviews and am open to any kind of feedback you're willing to offer, as long as it is expressed with honesty. I enjoy discussing specifics so if there are areas you happen to enjoy or you think need improvement, again absolutely feel free to cite them. A gracious thank you to any who read this for their time and if you have any questions I can be reached via PM. -Ook |
Great Idea6 Years AgoReally great. Is it based on Myth and what kind of help do you need?