Novels & Short Stories Forum Hello everyone and a quick not..
Hello everyone and a quick note10 Years Ago
As a new guy to this group, I’m glad to be here. Also, the three stories I’ve submitted deal with my son’s death and my way to find peace as a result.
As such, I thought it’s important that I overstate the obvious here. if I were you I might not want to read something which would make me sad or depressed. I get that. But the stories were born during long commutes home from work and I would feel better after each drive. The words and thoughts sprang out of my subconscious, with phrasing that sounded different to my own way of speaking or writing. So if you asked me if I formulated the stories, or they came from somewhere or someone else, I don’t know if I have an answer. They feel like I received them from somewhere else. Yet I did write them down after each 30 minute commute irregardless of their origin. The journey of the words brought peace to my shattered soul, and as I write this, I think they brought me back from a very bad place. So if you don’t want to go there and read the stories, I understand. But as they were inspirational to me, I thought they may do the same for you. |