New Words & Phrases : Forum : Word A Day

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Word A Day

14 Years Ago

In the spirit of this group, I will post an obscure word every day.
First one is: Misodoctakleidist – Someone who dislikes practicing the piano.

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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Excellent Idea! Looking forward to it. 

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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Swain: male admirer or lover.
Ironic how much it sounds like "swine."  ;)
I'm not insinuating anything here, or trying to be mean...
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Floccinaucinihilipilification: The act of assessing something as worthless.

N.B. It took me nearly half an hour to verify the spelling of that word so I hope people enjoy it : )
It's got quite an interesting history and etymology so here's a page with some info about it:

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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

A wonderful resource for inspiration:     -Marie
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

I'm not a member, but here is a great one:   "margaritomancy ": divination using pearls
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Here's two because I missed the last two days:
Erinaceous: hedgehog-like
Zabernism: The abuse of military power (presumably as a form of government, but I haven't been able to verify this second part for certain).
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Cachinnate: To laugh noisily.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

kakistocracy:   government by the least qualified and those with the worst principles
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Oubliette: A dungeon. Usually the deepest dungeon in a castle or jail. From the French verb "Oublier", meaning to forget, an oubliette has its entrance in the roof and was traditionally reserved for those prisoners who were never to be released and would be left to rot.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Zenzizenzizenzic: Any number raised to the eighth power.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

clove:   old weight of seven to ten pounds for wool or cheese
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Chopine: An obsolete unit of measurement that was once used in Scotland, equivalent to about 0.8 litres.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Hagiography: The biography of a Saint. Also used more colloquially as a derogatory term describing an biography that treats its subject with undeserved reverance.
Related to this word is an autohagiography, which is the autobiography of a saint. I'm not aware of any examples of this, but Aleister Crowley (English occultist, 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) referred to his book, The Confessions Of Aleister Crowley, as an autohagiography despite his not being a recognized saint.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Batrachophagous: Someone who eats frogs.I suspect a synonym for this would be Frenchman ; )
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Taphephilliac: Someone who loves funerals.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Phrontistery: A place for thought, a thinking-place.
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

embryoniform:    shaped like an embryo   Leaves me wondering what, besides and embryo, is shaped like an embryo? Is this such a common occurrance they had to make a word for it? Have you ever looked at a cloud, or a cluster of tea leaves, and said, "Hey! That looks just like an embryo!"?   sorry... rambling. But what good are obscure words if you cannot have fun using them, or thinking of their origins, or imagining a character based on them?
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

stercovorous:   feeding on dung or excrement
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Re: Word A Day

14 Years Ago

Been away for a few days, so here's three:
Cruciverbalist: A lover of crosswords.
Filipendulous: Hanging by one thread.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaphilia: The love of extremely long words.