New Nexus Anime Revolution : Forum : Want to be a New Nexus Moderat..

Want to be a New Nexus Moderator?

9 Years Ago

So you want to be a New Nexus moderator? 
But what do you do? How do you apply? 


You PM Luxordspetfox with your application, which is this: 

How often you're online: 
What Position are you applying for?: 
Why would you be good for that position?: 
A bit about your love of your chosen topic: 

Whats a moderators job? Basically its your job to go into the forums and polls and make sure that everyone is getting along, handle complaints in your department, and make sure everyone is having fun! 
Whats so special about being a New Nexus moderator? 
You get your own icon personalized for you! (look at the icons on the group page) with your username and title! 
You can come up with new RPG thread ideas! 

Excited? Good! Applications are open NOW!

(Positions open are: 
Vice President- open for application
RPG moderator- open for application
Music Moderator- open for application
General Forum Moderator- open for application )