National Novel Writing Month
What Are You Writing?
[no subject]17 Years AgoCharles, can it be a short erotic/romance novel I started in October, or does it have to be a brand new one begun in November?
"Chocolate and the Five Senses"
or read any of my other stories in the link below
[no subject]17 Years AgoI missed NaNoWriMo last year because I was working on a different project, so this year I dropped everything to work on my NaNo piece. I'm working on a fantasy based on a dream I had several months ago. It's set in a world I made ages ago, and decided that I needed to have a series of stories that take place there. This first one is about a young woman who must save the world from the death of magic. I was thinking about posting it here, but this is a real serious attempt to get published and I don't want to ruin that.
Good luck other NaNo writers! Let's get that 50,000! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoHello everyone and thanks for putting this group together. I have been working on a historical fiction novel involving Captain George Streeter (Chicago) and his fictional decendants. I'd like to try and get a first draft done this month. One thing I could use a hand with, however, is a subplot involving legal battles over any Native American land in the Midewest (ideally Illinois). My protagonist is an atorney (as well as the fictional great great grand daughter of Streeter's first marriage). For relevance to some of the plotline, I am trying to develop a sub-plot involving her doing pro-bono work in the area mentioned. Please let me know if you have any thoughts whatsoever. Much obliged, Josh |
[no subject]17 Years Agowell I have been working on Vame Haven so far... but I thought for November I'd start something new. Like a modern day fairy tale collection. Although "modern day" doesn't quite hit it because it's not taking place in the here and now... it's still completely fantasy fiction in "middle earth" type of settings... but the morals and the stories are completely radical. I don't know... I guess it depends on the type of feedback I get as to whether or not I continue it. =]]
[no subject]17 Years Agoi am working on a piece of alternate future fiction where punk never ended called 'no future' i got about half way there on nano last year and i want to hammer it this year and get something properly finished.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm working on a sci fi novel. I'm not sure what to say about it since I'm letting it be organic and grow on its own. I only have a couple of events which I know will happen. Otherwise, the only other thing truly set in stone is defiance of most aliens being humanoid.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm working a horror novel about a man investigating the death of his girlfriend. He hears her viciously attacked over a phone call, and travels to the big city to try and find out what happened to her.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm writing a mystery novel. It's about a detective who's assigned to the case of missing children and it gets more personal when his children become one of the missing.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI never knew about NaNoWriMo before and it sure sounds fun and stressful as hell. I think i'm gonna do it, it will be good practice for me since I don't write too swell and I have trouble focusing on one project. Why not?
I'm gonna write the story of a boy traveling to a rainbow. It will contain fantasy elements that i'm going to challenge the reader with by having them wonder what is real and what is imaginary. I don't know if i'll be able to do 175 pages worth of the story but it can't hurt to try. I'd be happy with 20 to be honest. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoHello everyone!!! Great idea...and perfect timing too! With the recent completion of my adventurous season as head TBall coach for the Richland Youth Association RASCALS, I thought it was time to take up a project I have considered writing for several years. I started putting this story together the last week of October and I am going to make it my number-one priority for November and this group. The story is called, "This Field, This Game" and it will be a young-adult, literary fiction piece about baseball and life, as seen through the eyes of an eleven-year old boy named Ronnie Doyle who is about to start Middle School in the Fall and who is about to take his firsat steps into a world of baseball gods and wanna-be's and peer-pressure and girls... I am hoping to add an emotional side of the story, equivalent to that of Field of Dreams and a comical/youthful side, similar to The Sandlot, which in my opinion, are two of the greatest baseball movies(stories) ever written... So, to make it official...I have written approximately 2000 words, which almost wraps up the first chapter... Here we go!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!
[no subject]17 Years AgoFirst thank you for staring this group, and second, I'm working o a literary fiction piece about a woman who is a cosmetian at a funeral parlor who is reflecting on various aspects of her life while preparing a little girl for her funeral. The whole book takes place in two days. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoHi. I'm so glad to find a group to talk things over with. I'm leaning towards a fictional teen age memoir, based on some actual events
[no subject]17 Years Ago...En mi novela la protagonista es una detective de nuestro tiempo, con problemas reales, casos y situaciones cotidianas. A pesar del tema, sin embargo, no pretende ni puede ser etiquetada dentro del género policíaco. La principal dificultad la encuentro en la extensión de mis trabajos, ya que no consigo alcanzar las 100 páginas escritas. Esta novela, por ejemplo, se acerca a las 25.000 palabras y casi puedo ya darla por finalizada. Me ocurre algo similar con otras dos novelas que tengo también acabadas. Tampoco creo que la medida de los trabajos sea un requisito imprescindible ni significativo, aunque sí limita a la hora de editar, publicar o participar en certámenes literarios. Debido a mi dificultad con el idioma inglés, no me quedó claro el modo de participar en este espacio con algún trabajo escrito... OK, Saludos:
LeeTamargo.- |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI've been mid a first draft for about 6 months now. I'm finishing it this month! I have to anyway, I have someone interested in it... It's a fantasy piece and it's going to be a full-blown novel. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoHi Everyone! I'm brand new to the Writer's Cafe. Thanks for inviting me to this group, I'm super excited to hear from other people doing NaNo! This is my third year doing NaNo and I am determined to finish this year. Both prior years I got up to about 30,000. I'm doing something very new for myself. I usually write mysteries or horror, this time around i'm trying my hand at fantasy/romance. I sort of have a thing for vampires, so I'm going to have some vamps in this story. Good luck to all my writing buddies out there! I'm here in New York rooting all of you on!!! Much love! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm humbled that I was invited to this group. I actually have two novels I want to get ramped up but at this point I am going with a fiction novella with some sci/fantasy overtones....we'll see how far I can go... |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm writing a science fiction (light on the science, heavy on the fiction). It's titled Zombie Weather. I got the idea months ago but haven't done anything with it before now. I've also missed NaNo for the last two years so I'm hoping to hit the 50000 goal. Best of luck to everyone. :)
[no subject]17 Years AgoAdded mine to the group.
Title: Of Magic and Mystre Genre: Fantasy Not much to it yet, but hopefully I'll have some time to get caught up some. At least I got it started this year. :D |
[no subject]17 Years AgoWell, I missed NaNoWriMo last year and was hoping to be active in it this year. I have a ton of homework, but I do plan to work on something I just started a few days ago. Doubt I'll hit the 50K word mark, but I'm just happy to be working on something new. =) My new project is titled Dusk of Death. It's loosely based off an essay I wrote 4 years ago. Have a look, will ya?
![]() Dusk of Death A Story by Jinx |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI too missed Nano the last two years, so i decided to do it this year. the title of my piece is Jaded Steele and its suppose to be a historical/paranormal romance, but i think its leaning more towards just a paranormal romance, hold the historical. LOL i have 4409 words written so far on it. Not bad.