NYCL Writers' Group : Forum : Getting Started

Re: Getting Started

14 Years Ago


To get started, we need people to post their writing!

It can be long or short. First draft or 800th draft. Just get some writing up for everyone to read and review!

Re: Getting Started: How to post your writings to the group

14 Years Ago

I had had to experiment a bit to manage to post my stories to the Group, so I decided to write a how to post ThreadTo upload writing, follow the steps below:
1.  Login to your account   2.  In the ‘Writing’ tab click ‘New Writing.'       3.  Select Writing Type from the drop down list.   4.  To create a chapter, you have to first create a book.   5.  Fill in all the Information you need to (like Title, Tags, Genre, Audience, etc.)   6.  Copy and paste your story into the box labled“Text”   7.  Choose the options at the bottom of the page (like "keep unpublished," etc.)   8.  Click save   9.  Go to the NYCL Writer’s Group page   10.There is a little box under the “Members” box titled New Writing   11.Click on “New Writing”   12.Select the piece of work you want to share with the group from the drop down list and click Submit   13.You’re Done!!
Sorry for the mess, but I couldn't figure out the formating for posts