Muffin Madness! : Forum : Muffins are Everywhere!!!

Muffins are Everywhere!!!

15 Years Ago

muffins have taken over the world!!! i now have a muffin avatar and a muffin notebook have muffins taken over your life yet?!??!?!!?

ok random rant over... :D

[no subject]

15 Years Ago


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15 Years Ago


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15 Years Ago

lol unfortunatly muffins have taken over my life...they never leave my house!

AHH! It's orange! lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

i know hope-a-de-dop ;s but we still love the muffins :D it was orange but mine is purple!!! woot!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

hahaha that is very true...and we even have a new muffin :D Well you do...I'll stick with just the one gay muffin and his brother. lol

Actually, that's more blue. haha
This is purple

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

you're right this is more purple :D but one gay muffin and his brother doesnt have the same ring :S oh well!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

lol're right. It doesn't sound the same

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

i had the most amazing muffin on sunday! it was pumpkin and it had a sort of dip in it, like it was hollow with the top cut off, and in the dip was like pumpkin pie stuff so it was really squishy and then it had whipped cream on top with some spice sprinkled on top! it was amazing!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

that sounds like the most amazing muffin! can i have one? yummy! :D

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

my homeroom is dresing up for halloween at school! we have 15 people in the class and since my homeroom teacher is also a baker were doing a group thing! 2 people will be the teacher, one a teacher one a baker, our logo is teacher by day, baker by night. the other 13 of us are going to dress as a bakers dozen of cookies! 12 chocolate chip and 1 sugar cookie, since one girl is alergic to chocolate. i drew a diagram of it! so look in my photos!!! its pretty good if i do say so myself :)

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hey Denni (I spelled that right...right?) I think you did an awesome job on your diagram! I got curious so I had to go check it out.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

it was a good diagram i looked to at the time :D and river you are just naturally curious :D

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hey, there's nothing wrong with being curious. lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

it depends on what your curious about :D somethings just arent healthy but other stuff like new foods is good :D but then all food is good except for celery and peppers and mushroom stroganoff (if thats how you spell it) or shepards pie :S icky!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

it depends on what your curious about :D somethings just arent healthy but other stuff like new foods is good :D but then all food is good except for celery and peppers and mushroom stroganoff (if thats how you spell it) or shepards pie :S icky!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

What isn't healthy to be curious about? Asking questions and finding answers if healthy no matter what! lol And you just said alot of my favorite foods (minus peppers) are icky...why would you do that?! lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

im sorry to offend your food tastes but i really really hate CELERY! the rest if i have to eat i will except mushroom stroganoff that makes me pysically ill :P not good :S

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

That's okay...if someone calls it food, I'm bound to like it. lol and Yeah, if it makes you sick, you shouldn't eat it

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

im never going to eat it again!

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