Muffin Madness! : Forum : The Muffins

The Muffins

15 Years Ago here's an explanation of the Muffins.
My friend River told me awhile ago that he's my "Gay Little Muffin," and me and Jules somehow got on the topic of him. I told her what he said and so now we call River and Rider (my boyfriend and River's twin brother) the Muffins. lol I'm pretty sure that's about all the description about the Muffins as is possible. lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

yeah that sounds roght :D we started talking about then because you keep talking about them in ur status and i was curious :D then i asked if i could adopt river cos rider is urs and river sounds fun- plus i love muffins! lol :D

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

lol Oh yeah...I forgot about those parts. haha