Muffin Madness! : Forum : welcome river! the best lil ga..

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

i dont want to know river so dont tell me! :O lalalalalalalala im not listening! and get your clothes on its day time!

aww you did a bit ryan but i love you anyway short or not (your not that much taller then me tho im 5'7 and a half)  and trees are good for the enviroment so ofcourse i like them :D

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

lol I wasn't going to tell you. Or was I? Hmmm... And I would get dressed, but I don't feel like finding a shirt, and I like my pj pants. lol

Well I'm glad I'm still loved :D And that's River is the odd one out here? lol And yeah, trees are awesome!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

hehe river is always the odd or should i say tall one out :D trees are life. really really dont tell me river and im fine with pj pants and no shirt but no less please...

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

That is very true...unless of course Rider's in the room too, then it's 2 against however many short people there are. lol Trees are life, and they're beautiful as well. So they're great all around.

Fine, I won't tell you. And I probably shouldn't tell you want my pj pants are, so I won't torture you with that knowledge . lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

im intrigued now river tho i properly shouldnt be :P

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Haha yeah, you're probably right. Should I tell you???

You probably don't wanna know Jules. lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

hmmm tell me one more piece of mental scarring wont do me to much more damage

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Are you sure about that Jules?? lol

I my pj "pants" are really boxers I've had for the last 4 years I think...idk. lol I've only ever worn them to bed because they were to big and now it's just habit

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

thats not mentally scarring its just normal and i had kinda guessed already but they are some very old boxers so thats kinda icky! :S lol

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Yeah...but I only told you what they are. Not what they look like. lol THAT would scar anyone.

It's true...I made him go change into normal pj pants cuz those one's aren't decent. haha

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