Lonely Writers Blog Group Forum My In-Laws Stress Me Out
My In-Laws Stress Me Out17 Years AgoI am so mad at my in-laws. I can't reason with them. They are so selfish and greedy. All they do is think about their precious needs, and to hell with what you want or have to say.They are so self-righteous to the point that they think they are God's gift to the world. They think they are always right and everyone else is wrong. They refuse to even listen to you, making you appear that you are some idiot because you couldn't possibly know as much as they do. They turn on you when you disagree with them and they throw little tizzies when things don't go their way. They tell you how to live your life, like you wouldn't know what to do if your life depended on it.
They treat me and my husband like we don't have a right to raise our son. They accuse us of leading him astray. But the truth is, they are the ones that have led their children astray.
One day, I am going to show all of them how wrong they were about me. I will make them all sorry they treated me like s**t. And when that day comes, I hope they all eat their f*****g words.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI hear ya hun, my mother is the same way. I finally told her if she comes near me or my daughter I'd put her in jail. So cheer up hun your not alone.
[no subject]17 Years AgoBeen there hun, and I sympatize so much with you. I found that mine just ate it up when I bit back at them and the way I finally got over it was not to have anything to do with them, and even more, not to say a word back to them because it just made them worse. In-laws have a horrible habbit of making you feel like cheap junk, a stupid idiot and someone not worthy to breath the same air as them. But you know what? You are worth more than they are, and they don't mean anything, what matters the most is your own little family, Your husband, your son, and yourself. Hope this helps. XX
[no subject]17 Years AgoOriginally posted by Valerie
I am so mad at my in-laws. I can't reason with them. They are so selfish and greedy. All they do is think about their precious needs, and to hell with what you want or have to say.They are so self-righteous to the point that they think they are God's gift to the world. They think they are always right and everyone else is wrong. They refuse to even listen to you, making you appear that you are some idiot because you couldn't possibly know as much as they do. They turn on you when you disagree with them and they throw little tizzies when things don't go their way. They tell you how to live your life, like you wouldn't know what to do if your life depended on it.
They treat me and my husband like we don't have a right to raise our son. They accuse us of leading him astray. But the truth is, they are the ones that have led their children astray.
One day, I am going to show all of them how wrong they were about me. I will make them all sorry they treated me like s**t. And when that day comes, I hope they all eat their f*****g words.
When you have an opposing opinion, back up your thought with facts about why they are just bullshit and why they deserve to be called shitdicks, shitfaces and cockswallowers. Now, where did I get this colorful language? --- what comes around goes around. |
[no subject]17 Years Agosee its different on my end. My in laws are awesome. Its My mother that gets my hair frizzled. and its not that we cant talk to each other though we definitely cant live together or we'll kill each other, but my mother has a habit that if my brother can afford it, then somehow i should be able to afford it. She said to me a couple weeks ago, when my brother's wife totalled their car, that the car he bought was so nice, much nicer than mine (yes it is but thats because mine is 20 years old, and its what we can afford right now) but she never wants to hear it. She always compares me and my brother together, hes doing so much better than me in her eyes. grrrr. i hate when she does that, but i dont say anything because it makes no difference. Her baby boy can do no wrong and im the red headed step child. AND IM THE OLDEST. go figure. So you are definitely not alone, and maybe by not speaking to them theyll get the picture. with me ive learned long ago to just ignore her comments and move on knowing that i'm living my life my way. :) if you need to talk message me. later
[no subject]17 Years AgoWell, I guess that not everybody has trouble with their in-laws. There are, like you, that actually get along with their in-laws. I guess I was one of those lucky ones who got in-laws I don't get along with. Talk to you later.