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Little Secret : Forum : Chapter 1: Lost

Chapter 1: Lost

16 Years Ago

Sophie clutched her purse closer to her thin dress, searching with her 8 year old eyes for mommy.


[note, have fun with this game!]

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16 Years Ago

She looked through the crowd bustling about the street, their bland faces unfamiliar.

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16 Years Ago

"Mom?" she called, yet her tiny voice was not heard.

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16 Years Ago

Her Mother's hair was flame red with curls tight to her head, but with the circus in town there were too many red heads to pick her out.

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16 Years Ago

She turned towards the man in the booth, took as much money as she had, and asked, "one ticket for the circus please."

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16 Years Ago

Filled with the strong stench of animal waste mingling with that of buttered popcorn and funnel cake, the air clung to her skin causing beads of sweat to blur her vision and slow her desperate search.

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16 Years Ago

Her breathe begun to quicken as she panicked.

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16 Years Ago

She yelped and turned as a group of teenagers knocked into her and stumbled past, laughing loudly.

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16 Years Ago

She slowly gathered the belongings sprawled on the floor, her small sniffles barely noticable.

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16 Years Ago

However, all those baby girl fears started to disappear as she began to stalk all the fascinating, chilling and bizarre things there were to see at the circus...

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16 Years Ago

She wiped away the teardrops and looked at the large array of bright colors, exotic animals and strange food.

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16 Years Ago

Tents of all sizes and colors were dispersed among the circus' rented grounds.

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16 Years Ago

After walking there with her Mother,  Sophie knew that she wasn't far from home, but she was definately feeling lost now, as she looked up and saw the sky blend with the top of the circus tents.

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16 Years Ago

She decided to explore the tallest of them all, so headed towards the red tent.

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16 Years Ago

The smell of incense was thick in the air making Sophi woozy.

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16 Years Ago

Behind a glass ball was an old woman, wrinkled from the long years, she rested beneath a olive cloak and croaked with a voice like a paper in the whistling wind, "Would you like to see your mommy, Sophie?"

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16 Years Ago

She looked around to make sure no one was too close and then she whispered that she had a speical secret way of finding my mum.  All I had to do was walk with her, into the back of the tent.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I tittered after her, cautious and afraid, she lifted the other end of the tent and told me to look through the triangular opening. I saw the circus' performers, all readying for thier next act, but before I could observed any longer a pair of callused hands pulled me back and I stuggled until I saw black.