Laughing Limerick
How to write a limerick
How to write a limerick16 Years AgoGosh and begora! Have ye never seen a lepre... No! Wait! That's not right.
Oh yeah. Limerick is poetry at it's ribald best. It's five lines of words that'll give you a tickle by the end. Let me demonstrate... A limerick is made up of words That often are taken for turds Watch out for the rest And I'll give it my best It's charming and whey more than curds! Another: Some boner got wind of a corker 'Twas written by some mad New Yorker It wasn't half bad But the ending was sad No limerick, just greasy old porker I don't claim these as being sterling examples of the craft, but they hold a few things in common. 1. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme (triplet) 2. The third and fourth lines rhyme (couplet) 3. The couplet comes just after the second line and does not rhyme with the triplet. 4. There is a rhythm that must be maintained. (I'll post more examples so you can find the rhythm) 5. It should be at least marginally funny with a twist at the end that puts the whole piece in a different light. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoI've noticed most people are having a problem with the beat of the limerick. The people who have written them so far, can any of you shed a light on the problem? I noticed one limerick that would have been perfect except the author kept putting in unnecessary adjectives. I'm at a loss to understand it.