Knuckleheads : Forum : Death to Funny!

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Death to Funny!

17 Years Ago

Most of the things that I write, turn out rather silly; I write one, rather good line, then follow it up with a silly one, or I pick on it. It's like I can't even take myself, and/or the subject serious long enough to write about it. I need to hone my candor skills... with out getting sappy, going over the top, replacing it with stupidity, running it into the ground, or being a fake, plastic, phony. I really do need to read more. So, if anyone has any recommendations, for me or the rest of the group, please, recommend away - as we're in the need for something to read ::biggrin::
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I want to read, but I can't seem to right now. I read mostly from here and get influenced by my dreams, and I tend to use a dictionary to get all my work done, choosing randomly words, and stuff, but I need to read also. Just can't right now. Brooding. ::mad:: (honest reply) xx oomimi
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Nothing wrong with a little humor but I can understand your frustration with everything coming out so silly when you're intending to do something else. Practice makes perfect, though.
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

the stranger-camus
gone with the wind-mitchell
twilight-i forget her name, but it has vampires!
CATCHER IN THE RYE/nine stories-*****salinger****
wuthering heights-bronte
jane eyre-bronte

and poetry...any saul williams, keats or leonard cohen

so many little time..
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I've never read Catcher In The Rye. I'm not gonna want to kill some rock star if I read it... am I??? Well, I suppose we could do with out Fall Out Boy... guess I'm gonna have to find me a copy. ;-)