Keep the Peace
Right to write
Right to write11 Years AgoI am totally opposed to any form of bullying, abuse or attacks on anyone here (or anywhere) or pointless unconstructive denigration or criticism of anyone's writing. I do believe that there is a need to maintain standards of behaviour and the quality of writing but I do not believe, however, that any one individual should be the arbiter or judge of another person's writing. I believe those for whom English is their most used language and are able to weild it as a tool of communication effectively with confidence, understanding and skill, should have the responsibility to support the younger writer or those for whom English is a second language. After all this is a "Writer's Cafe" not a ghetto for egos. We should be there for advice and help but not set ourselves up as a senate. We also need to know that other members are behind us in our responses to any inappropriate incidents. I would be very happy to be called upon if needed. So there we are!
Re: Right to write11 Years AgoI agree, we should not judge others work like a judge or arbitrator. That is not our job on here. This site is there to help members, both new ones, and old ones, to develop there skills. Thanks for posting this.
Have a wonderful day. ~Your friend Res |
Re: Right to write11 Years AgoThank you for inviting me to this group Resnera. I have been out of Writer's Cafe for a considerably long time (lost password, etc.) and have not been up to date with what's happening. However, I have had my share of these kind of abusive comments that border on bullying and on line bashing.
As writers, I think we may not agree or like another person's writing but we can be civil and respectful, expressing opinion in a considerate and mature way. No name calling or profanity is acceptable in this field. I agree with the previous post and will support the group any way I can. Always, Cynthia |
Re: Right to write11 Years AgoI love all of the above ideas
I have difficulty with reviews that I give-it is the way I want to give them I do not feel it should be dictated...I am not so great with grammar so who am I to say...however my gift is comprehension-there is almost nothing I cannot comprehend when I was 8 i discovered 17th century English poetry and I believe that to be why I only like to review on content but I believe it is my choice but tend to get fussed at a lot over I really think that is silly it is not a paid position*) I also try to give kindness in my words how do I know that the person behind the monitor is not a burn victim why would I approach them harshly...I do not know them in a face to face situation I would feel different but not without all knowledge but I will fight a bully a bully with fists causes deaths by wrists-original Holly quote thank you so young lady |
Re: Right to write11 Years AgoHear, hear... I absolutely agree with supporting others growth being at the forefront of what this group is about. I also believe that we must lead by example in the way of not feeding the hungry hateful. As I have said before we are attempting to draw a remarkably thin line... It's art were talking about and putting any restraint on art is only damaging to it's growth as well as to the cultures and futures it shapes. I also believe that creating positive growth can only be accomplished by trying to understand that which repulses you. If you shun someone be it the reason right or wrong then you have only effectual doomed it to repeat by not leading to a better understanding. The biggest problem I see here personally, is simply art is freedom. With that said, truly freedom represents a self defined happiness, and to support that freedom one has to accept the rights of others to their opinions and beliefs. I think the conundrum is not in some ways the wicked people bring into the world, but in fact sometimes our own in ability to be willing to understand and nurture. "If indeed history repeats itself then those who do the writing... shape the future." ...Unsavable_soul... |
Re: Right to write11 Years AgoI completely agree with all the topics above; all writers should feel open here, no matter what genre or idea they choose to pen! I believe all peoples of every style must be held at an equal respect to the reader, unless said writer participates in any action that proves our judgement wrong. Even then, it is difficult to understand if a review comments tone is sarcastic or kind. Besides that point, I just wanted to add how happy I am with this group! :) All writing sites should have a Peace Group such as this one! It would solve many problems....
Good-bye, my friends! X)