Just Some Writers
I could use some help...
I could use some help...15 Years AgoWhat do you guys do to refresh an idea youve been working on for a while...Im currently working on more than one book and Im trying to fix them all at once...one in particular is tricky cause im having trouble choosing a narrative technique...not sure if i want main character talking or having perspective change by chapter etc....if you wanna help let me know and i will complain further...lol....thanks .... -Nikki
[no subject]15 Years AgoWell one of my favorite ways of narrating is having the main character talking in first person view. But a normal narrator could give different people's point of view, so if you want to choose which one you should consider what kind of book you are writing.
If you are writing a realistic or true book, the main character should narrate. If you are writing a fantasy with many things going on in different places, like: A Battle at the north city A depression at the south city There is no way the character would travel all the way between the north and south city to narrate the book, therefore, you should be the narrator. To work between different books at a time you should work on one book one week and the other the other week. Make a calender in your workspace to make sure you know what book you are writing and don't mix up thing that go on, like putting a piece from another book in the book you are really supposed to be writing! I hope this helps! |
[no subject]15 Years AgoFor me, refreshing an idea has always been a challenge. T o get back into a story, I like to to a writing excercise using a character, like writing a chapter in a different, more minor, character's point of veiw. It adds a new dimmension to the story.
As far as picking a narrative style, it all dpends on how you want the story to be veiwed. If you want it as something easier to relate to and something that embodies your main character, first person is a good idea. It helps people undersatnd what your character is going through, and it always make me more interested in the main character's thoughts.
Third person is best used when you want your story to be veiwed as more of a seeing the big picture idea. It can change the whole story, and it usually makes readers take a second look at the characters they would normally skip over had it been in first person. Using third person, you can flesh out each character a little bit more than using forst person.
Switching from person to person from chapter to chapter in a book is a great idea with books that have action in many places, like adventures and fantasys. If your writing is the story of one person in one setting, with a more realistic feel, using one main character's point of veiw is a better choice. It helps keep the story organized, and it gives it a more relatable feel.
I hope I helped! |
[no subject]15 Years AgoThank you both sooooo much for the help...I really think I am going to go with changing the perspective by chapter...It has a lot of varied characters and locations...and there is a lot of action...Plus I think it will add to the suspense of the story...It may be confusing at first but I plan on using summarys before each chapter like a file report in order to organize each piece...the book as a whole will be kind of a portfolio of accounts...Im thinking of working in other media along with it...Maybe Ill post some of it here soon if I can polish it up a bit....Again thank you soooo much....very helpful I look forward to collaborating with you all in the future!! :)
[no subject]15 Years AgoOne of the most constructive ways for me to write when I'm feeling lost in the work is to find a new atmosphere. Usually I can write anywhere. I tune out the noises around me and concentrate, but sometimes home just distracts me. So I like to sit out at a bookstore or cafe and people-watch while I'm writing. Probably a little creepy, but I suppose that is part of being a writer. Also, music helps me to write. Sometimes I find myself searching for certain songs or genres because the tone of the music often inspires the mood of my writing. Sometimes the music itself can be distracting but it blends out the white noise around me. So, when I'm finding it particularly hard to concentrate, I listen to Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo, Natalie Dessay---because the opera music certainly helps me to concentrate while my lack of the knowledge of the language makes it easier to not get swept up in the words---if that makes sense. And then there are times when it seems like nothing helps and that's when I pull out the old writing prompts and insert my characters. What would they think? What would they feel? How would they respond? Sometimes just getting to know your characters better can put you in a whole different perspective. As for the point of view question, I can't really answer that because I tend to always write from first person as the lead female character. |