International Peace Day Forum Is Peace Possible?
Is Peace Possible?12 Years AgoYesterday, I was listending to a conversation a couple of kids were having, and it made me sad. It went like this: "Everlasting peace will never exist, because people hate too much." "Yeah, and people are always going to fight." "Well they're all just too stubborn. Everyone has to be right." "Yeah, and that's why they fight too much." "No, what I'm saying is that peace doesn't exist, it never has, and it never will." "Yeah, maybe there will be times when we're not at war, but there still won't be peace." It makes me sad that children these days just accept violence, hatred, and war as social norms and don't believe that people could ever live together peacefully. That kind of attitude is a major influence on why peace doesn't exist, and it needs to be the first thing we change. If people aren't willing to accept peace, then we'll never get peace, and it will only strengthen the attitudes against peace. I don't believe these kids' opinion is true, but if we don't convince them otherwise, it might as well be.~Lina
Re: Is Peace Possible?12 Years AgoIt kind of coincides with what I wrote: Fields of Lost Emotions. I feel the same way as they do. I feel the world has lost the capability to feel anything but greed and lust. This is sad but true. I can't argue it.
Re: Is Peace Possible?12 Years AgoIt reminds me of a quote from The Principles of War
"Peace is merely but an intermission between wars." It's horrible but sometimes i think without violence and war would we be any the wiser? Besides we have achieved peace not many times but peace is possible but not for very long. |
Re: Is Peace Possible?12 Years AgoThis whole conversation reminded me of George Orwell's 1984. The world was in a never-ending war, with no possible way out.
Re: Is Peace Possible?12 Years AgoThe world is too large and diverse to have lost the capacity for anything. As long there are people willing to support something, change can happen. I admit that it's impossible to have everlasting peace, because conflict is a natural part of life. It's like Yin and Yang- you can't have one without the other. Would anyone really know good if they never knew bad? No, they would just know what they have. Throughout history, there are Golden Ages and Dark Ages, and they flipflop across time. These Golden Ages are what I define as "peace". On a smaller level, an individual striving for peace is a realistic goal because it means always trying to better oneself, to become the best that one can be, and to find happiness. It basically ensures optimism. That is what I want the world to be like. Yes, there will be difficult times and disagreements and things that aren't peaceful, but they shouldn't be the norm. They should be roadblocks in the path striving for peace. The overall attitude of the world should be optimistic. People should think of how they can change things for the better and help to overcome these roadblocks. Instead of bombing one's enemies or beating up the class bully, people should work out differences peacefully. They should be open-minded and respectful of each other. Life is not about competition, it's about cooperation. If people can't find peace and respect, how are they supposed to work together and live together on this planet?