I was a Teenage Imagination
SCHOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!17 Years AgoUnfortunately, my school has already started its first semester and after realizing how hard Jr. year is I'm wondering....... what do you think about school in perspective as a writer.... does it get in the way.....or does it help (i guess that I'm referring to those who have creative writing classes available, which I don't)
[no subject]17 Years Agoi tend to write when I'm bored. So I suppose it gets in the way. Not that I mind too much. Actually in lotsa cases school encourages me to write. Like I have to do this personal project for like a year and a half. Its suppose to be big, so like, I might end up writing a book.
[no subject]17 Years Agommm, I had signed up for Creative Writing but due to the referendum it was cut because not enough people were interested. Honestly, I was looking forward most to that class and I truely hate the school board more so.
To get back on topic, I dont mind school if there are good classes to take and interesting people to talk with. Although, it does get in the way of my writing since I dont write on true affairs, it's more of a fantasy thing. I nearly forgot though, for my lastest story school will come in handy! I need the natural drama that is always flooding a normal teens life. >.> Now I am done. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI've been at school for about a week and a half, but I personally love school, but maybe that's because I'm in highschool now and I have cool classes like drama and French. Many of my stories and characters are inspired by my friends or things that happened in school last year, and rather frequently I'll be walking to my class and an idea will pop into my head. Also, the 9th grade center has been around since before World War II, so there's a lot of history for me to be inspired by, AND it's probably haunted by these two guys who died.
But, I have to walk all over creation to get to my classes, so by the time I get home I'm too exausted to write! ::sleepy:: |
[no subject]17 Years AgoIn my case, sometimes school does help--at times the school board offers the occasional writing class or they bring in a published writer to share ideas, and sometimes experiences in class just bring inspiration. Like Anne, I'll just be walking from class to class or even eating lunch and an idea will hit me. I live in Spain, so there is plenty of inspiring events and history, generally. The bad side of all this is that the truckload of homework I'm getting (I'm entering the 8th grade this year) and the added pressure doesn't help much for writing. I barely have free time anymore, even on weekends. Is anybody else like this?
B. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoMy school has already started and i'm having a blast(woooo freshman!!). I'm taking a creative writing class and i'd have to say that its the hardest and most enjoyable class i've ever taken. EVER. but even if you're not taking a cw class it shouldn't get in the way of your writing. one of the many things my cw teacher has taught me is that you can pull off of other art forms(like visual arts, drama, dance) and let it help your writing. You can even use grammer(who knew line breaks had so much meaning?!?!?!).
[no subject]17 Years Agowell school is rough this year ::sleepy::
'm a junior and in my school it mean s that you'll have an obnoxiously large pile of homework every night. i haven't even typed a sentence in the past week i will be able to write poems for English 3 but maybe one or two poems and a very short story. i mean like 250 words and below. it sucks for me since my talent is more in the 500 word category. so i consider school a bother to my works |
[no subject]17 Years AgoLucky me, I don't start school again until wednesday.
Still, I'm anticipating extreme boredom as I am about to start my GCSE's... |
[no subject]17 Years AgoSchool is so boring *yawn* |