I Must be EMO : Forum : do you cut?

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

There is no easy way to answer this.  Yes, and no. 
Yes, I used to cut.  I was very depressed, and I didn't have any positive outlets to let out all my sadness and stress.  So I guess I took it out on myself.  I still have scars, and they can be pretty awkward to explain, depending on who asks.  I have cut, and it's definitely something I don't want to do again.  It's embarrassing, painful (physically & emotionally), and it really doesn't make me feel any better when all is said and done, and all the blood has been wiped away.

I also say "no", because I choose not to.  Lately I've been very focused in school. I don't drink or smoke. I've been working a lot on my writing and hobbies, and exercising.  Cutting is something I don't want to go back to doing.   

This group is all about being EMO, which yes, cutting has been roped in with it, but it's a stereotype, not a prerequisite. The group I must be EMO is not about self-destruction, but about using that pain to form creative thoughts.  To write poetry that we all can relate to in our darkest hours.  Embracing the suffering in life and accepting it is not the same as giving in to it, or promoting it. 
It happens, but we gotta stay strong.

I think a good way to deal with cutting is to face it head-on.  For instance, the poem "These Cuts Won't Mend" (which is featured right now). Writing how you feel about it and letting others relate is a good way to share it, without denying it. 

I don't condemn it, because I have been there before and I know how it feels, but I also don't condone it.  I don't recommend anyone try it. But if you have done it, you know, there's people here who can relate.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I've never cut.  I'm too squeamish.  I'm even still a bit afraid of needles.  I've always dealt with depression using food, television, movies, video games, music and excessive amounts of sleep.  I won't condemn people who cut, because I've never done it and I don't know what it's like, but I just find it very hard to understand why you would do such violence to your body.  I'd be terrified of doing something that painful to myself.  Forgive me if I sound ignorant.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

yes. i do. or i did. i am very depressed and cutting was an outlet for me...over time i found other outlets...some a little worse than others. but i have. and i'm not doubting i will in the future.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I do not cut, but my daughter use to cut herself. She hid it very well from my husband and I for a long time. She was depressed and started wearing black clothing and painting her nails black as well. She also began to listen to dark music, heavy metal and other kind of music. Apart from all that she had suicidal thoughts. 

Something drastic happened to her when she was 8 years old that throve her to this state of mind. It wasn't till she was 16 years old that she was delivered from that state of mind and the depressive state she was in. I am grateful that now she is a happy girl, loves life and is in college. 

To those that are parents, please talk to your kids and do not judge them because you never know what is going on. Love them and help them through. My husband and I took out time with her and she came around. 

I hope this will help someone recognize the signs. 

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I do yes. I have cut since I wass 12. Now I am 17. I have told everyone
I quite but really I still do when everything gets to hard to deal with. It's a horrible thing to get into because if you start it gets so addictive it's hard to stop. I've been hospitalized 6 or 7 times and in treatment twice because of this. It has put a huge strain on all my relationships. I have lost boyfriends, friends and contact with family members because they "love me but not my decisioins" as my mother said to me about a week ago. I hate the choices I've made and it hurts so much to know that people judge me and think bad about me because I have depression and didn't get treated so I had to treat myself....I wish I could go back and change but for anyone out there who cuts don't be ashmed of yourself. Yes it's a bad choioce but feeling bad about yourself and being down on yourself won't help. Talk to someone anyone. I'm here for you and I bet others are to. Give yourself a chance to get out of this terrible addiction. Please just talk to someone. I wish I had...

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I first started HURTING myself when I was ten [though at that age I didn't have access to razorblades or other sharp objects so I'd bash my head into walls/tables/whatever was around etc.etc.]
I first started cutting myself when I was thirteen/fourteen.
The first time I wanted to die I was nine, and the first time I tried to kill myself I was twelve..
A lot of this still goes on [not the cutting anymore I have a child and a partner that's said he'll leave me if I carry on (fair enough) so I've found more subtle methods in recent years].
My reasons for all of this are my own, I haven't told anyone..

Sylvia Plath started this write form 'confessional poetry', and though I doubt a lot of you would realise this but this art form is one most commonly used by our stereotypes..
Writers/Readers of the "Emo" form don't seem to realise just how exposed they are within their own poems...I can't help but think if they did, maybe they wouldn't post so much [Or maybe that's my own personal fear of being prejudged by a bunch of morons]

Sylvia Plath could save you...

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

Not anymore. I'm proud to say I haven't for over a year now. 
I managed to stop with very little support, which was difficult. I'd been doing it for years, so the process of trying to stop lasted over half a year. The only people I admitted it to were very close friends and my boyfriend of the time (though at first I tried to hide it from him, which caused problems in the relationship that only made the self-harming worse).
I now use writing as an outlet, which really does help. I rarely publish that work on here, 'cause I had some problems with a lot of dicks on here a while back, but even just writing it all down helps.
I also got counselling through my college (it was free and really easy to organise, so even though it takes a lot of emotional strength it really is worth looking into)

I know it's a difficult thing to quit, but I can honestly say that nothing beats the feeling of not needing it anymore. 

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I will admit I do cut. I started back in the 6th grade, when problems at home and school started up, its been a few months since I last needed to cut though, and the longest iv gone without cutting before is 6 months. Though i do it myself, i always try to discourage friends, and other people i know who are just starting the habit, because i know how hard it is to break yourself of it.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

i have done in the past, and occasionally i crave it and in a way it tears me apart. Most recently about a month ago, noone knows as such some people know that i used to and occasionally suspect it but im not one to confirm these things.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

A bit of info: cutting does release endorphins (which, in simple terms, are chemicals that tell your brain, hey I feel happy), but running and any other kind of exercise also release endorphins.
Knowing this is good. Sometimes when we cut, we feel like we're a little crazy. You might wonder "Why would anyone like hurting themselves??" Well, you're not crazy. This is the reason why. Your body might be craving endorphins to deal with a sadness or depression.

And knowing this also makes you realize that you have a choice *not* to cut. When you feel like you need to, a quick run might just do the trick. It's worth a try for those who are trying to stop.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

Cutting was my dirty little secret as a teenager in the early 80s, long before it became "popular". I did it on my legs where it was easier to hide. Burning became my dirty little secret in my 20s. A lighter lit til blazin touched to my skin. Oh the high from it! I thought I'd left that all behind, using food and alcohol to soothe my wounded mind. I managed to live nearly 20 yrs cut and burn free. And then an already strenuous marriage got even worse and those old habits came back to me. I can honestly say now that I have not cut or burned for 8 months. Unfortunately suicide attempts are my drug of choice now.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I do, Have for a year an a half, My parents know about it.. They hate it. I have told only my best friends, It backfired they told my Middle School conciliar... That one call.. It ruined my whole 8th grade year... I'm going to be a Sophomore this year and i haven't cut for 2 weeks and its killing me.... Ugh :(
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Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

Nope. Never have, never plan on it. For one thing, I've always been far too squeamish when it comes to pain to self harm. When I was seriously suicidal, I decided that if I were ever to do it, I would do it all at once.

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I think it's been glamorized a bit with songs like Garbage's "Bleed Like Me".  As with any bad habit, I can understand it (and I have my bad habits as well), but I never think people should give in to it.  You have to realize what is working and what isn't working.  Is binge/purge eating helping or harming? Is cutting helping or just temporary relief?  Etc.
I think after a certain age you realize what isn't working, and you just go "What am I doing?" and you search for what truly works (which usually doesn't involve self-destruction).

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

Erm...yes. For about 6 months now...or longer, I don't remember well. Though, I started hurting myself at a very early age. Bruising myself and biting my lip till it bled. It's a way to get through depression. It makes me happy. Makes me feel physical pain other then mental and emotional. Cutting is just a way to deal with a situation. Its addicting though :/

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I cut for 6 years. I don't anymore. I had two eating disorders. I drank and I smoked. I don't anymore. I don't have or do any of that stuff anymore. My profile picture (the phoenix) is going to be a tattoo of mine on my shoulder representing all of the things I did and how I over came them. If you want to know the whole story behind those things listed above just ask. 

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I started cutting when I was 12, and I'm 18 now. I still do it, but only where people won't see. I used to cut my arms and legs pretty badly. I carved love into my left arm and freak into my right arm. I have an A scarred on my leg from when my first girlfriend (whose name starts with an A) broke up with me when I was 16. I have fail scarred into my upper left thigh, and pathetic on my right thigh.
Does anyone else have words scarred into their body? Please tell me I'm not the only one....

Re: do you cut?

12 Years Ago

I use to set a daily regimine that I had to meet 66 cuts in order not to do it the next day, which was foolish because I never made it past 50 for I ran out of spots to hide them in...but now I haven't touched a razor in the wrong in 3 years! Which is great progress. I still get the "urges" to let my ghosts run down my arms and my insecurity run me. But I maintain and keep strong. It was a seriously ill habit and soon became a sick obessession to see myself bleed and to feel the burning in my veins. I can't do it now though I sometimes think of doing it just for sick fun but then I remember the last time: Fell deep into a manic depression with some really screwed up thoughts that I had no name or personality or wasn't a human being in ways I should have been. Anyway, to cut for me is to say that I cannot mature. For others, YES I understand it's a coping mechanism or a wU to dull out emotional pain or a bad habbit or something else, but there are ways around the wanting to see yourself bleed or feel something different. Try submerging your arms in ice cold water when you want to slit those wrists, or (as cliche) call someone, take a walk, sing, write, draw, cook, or take a nap. But always remember that you are never alone.