I Love Haikus! : Forum : Haiku Group Updates...Challeng..

Haiku Group Updates...Challenge # 17

17 Years Ago

For those who did not get the group letter of this challenge.

Hello everyone!

I hope you each are well tonight. I am sorry for the tardiness of this challenge, I have been busy with life as of late. I was impressed with everyone's take on Part B of last week challenge. The way you each described that photo was amazing. Now we are on to challenge #17!!! We will have again, a mixx of old and new. I am aware the challenges are harder and I will do my best to make this week a little easier. Also, keep in mind you do not have to complete ALL the parts of this challenge. Pick and choose or do them all if you wish to. Please add your submission link to the group thread for this challenge and add your submission to the group's library as well. If you want, you can send me the link also to review.

Part A is a With These Three Words challenge. You must write a haiku/senyru using the three words I give you EXACTLY as you see them spelled, but in ANY order you wish to use them. Your three words this week are:

1.) Mezzanine
2.) Fecund
3.) Rendezvous

Part B is a photo challenge. You must write a naga uta OR two or more haikus/senyrus based on the photo below.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Example of a naga uta:

The wind is blowing- 5 syllables
fall leaves scatter everywhere- 7 syllables
they cover the yard- 5 syllables
just like a yellow blanket- 7 syllables
before winter's chill- 5 syllables
the wind is blowing- 5 syllables
tree limbs bend so not to break- 7syllables
for they are scared of the fall- 7 syllables.

You can make them as long as you like as long as your last 3 lines end in a 5-7-7 syllable count as above.

Part C is a alliteration challenge. Using the letter R write a chofu. All words must begin with the letter R and NO adding extra words that do not begin with a "r" in order to make sense of the chofu either.

Part D is a "Free Choice" tanka challenge. You can write about anything you like as long as it is in tanka form. Example of a tanka:

Line 1- 5 syllables
Line 2- 7 syllables
Line 3- 5 syllables
Line 4- 7 syllables
Line 5- 7 syllables

If you have any questions please PM me ASAP. Have fun everyone with this. I look forward to reading your submissions.

Yira Simone (Catrina)

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

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