I HATE Haters Forum Haters who used to be our Love..
Haters who used to be our Lovers.....go figure!13 Years AgoHere's a little poem about me hating my hater,
who really was my Lover. i hate haters who used to be lovers! (A True Story) Just 10 days past the horrors horrors of your love I am healed enough now to write again.......and so I write again about horrors of your love it sucks it hurts and it infuriates me something fierce you yes, you have left me undone unkempt unwittingly rueful with rage yes, rage rage against you, the machine and the whole f*****g world and so I write again the horrors of your love so that I can heal myself of such a love undone by you... yes, you have left me without a friend because you were my friend you were my favorite friend my best friend and at times, my only friend I wrapped it all up in you yes you so foolishly my decision to love you so completely I let my guard down completely it was a foolish thing to do for you yes, you I was a fool for you but you showed me that you were the real Fool you were the real Cruel you were the harshest thing I ever could have been up against so harsh you were so very harsh indeed to me to me to lovely me you yes, you Foolish you to lovely me were cruel and you were unusual MAD crazed a fool in his folly and I was that fool's gold I was your jewelsgold your jewel and your gold and you were the fool wherein the bible says: "A fool and his gold are soon parted" yes we were parted so quickly at your foolish rage by your foolery your fooling me fooling us all that you f*****g loved me it was all a fool's gold joke a sick and dememented dream from within the mad mind of a narcissist a rat too you cop calling b*****d I hate you for that for your stupid weakness and your foolish insecurity and your hateful cruelty and your ignorant rage you took my gold, the very best I had in me... you took it all spend it you did without complaint or thanks and you liked to make me feel bad about my gold my wealth my resources my health...all that I had that you did not have you made it all out to be the bad guy on your list of things wrong with me if only..(you would say or think) i didn't have all that gold you thought then I would have to be nice you thought well, you stupid b*****d rat fink c**t lick I am so f*****g pissed at you for your stupidity i can barely see straight enough to write this in script you f*****g w***e the gold is gone now and am I being nice, sir? Huh?!!!!! I am so so pissed at you so eternally pissed at you yes, you eternally fucked up you and I am so damn f*****g pissed right now at you that I want to kill you and yet, I wont kill you i wont do it i want to but i wont and why? because my love was real although undeserved real yet unappreciated------------------ i hate that it was real for me and fake for you real me fake you that is the way it goes now. that is the way it went. I gave you took I supplied you denied I grew you waxed old upon your aged beliefs unlearned unknown unworthy indeed. I forgave you repented not I understood you jumped to conclusions I acted in selfless purified love amidst an undeserving situation amonst the most undeserving of souls YOURS I acted selflessly in love towards you while you assumed ASSUMED the worst in me always assuming the worst of me I hate you for that I really do hate you for all that you assumed you selfish entitled rat cop calling b*****d why? the questions is WHY? why?!!!! It will always remain the same.... why. F**k your reason why. f**k your answers why f**k everything you have to say and all the stupid fucked up notions you have in that crazy fucked up mind of yours you are damaged goods damaged damaged damaged beyone repair i hate you for that you should have been killed the moment you became so irrepairable that you could cause such pain in others who only tried their very best to fix you god damn it you fucked up f*****g c**t lick i hate you for that i hate you for cutting my face while I slept you weak and worthless man you stupid c**t you attacked the hand that fed you stupid worthless man and it wasn't the first time either for that, I hate myself I let you get away with murder and so....................................... you tried to kill me for it,, my generosity my forgiveness of your faults my love my love my love you f*****g killed it good. I hate you for that too. You were my friend you took him away you were my lover you took him away you were my dream you woke me up in a stark and cold reality then left me there alone abandoned in the f*****g desert you worthless partner worthless home you f*****g c**t lick i hate you for everything. For everything you took and everything you never gave and everything you tried to destroy and everything you felt entitled to and everything you never finished and everything you kept me from starting or finishing and everything you used up and left empty and everything you tried to confuse and belittle and everything you said you were and beleived in and wanted and everything you made me want and believe too and everything you pretended to be and everything you kept track of against me and everything you lied to others about me and everything you let others do to me and get away with it and worse! everything you did to me and got away with how could you do such wicked things to me? The one who loved you so tenderly so passionately so truly so much in love with you so willing to be there for you you always assumed the worst of me I hate you for that eternally. |