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I have problems finishing what I start

8 Years Ago

I've always had problems finishing my work after the first few chapters. After a while I'm just like, its too boring or no one will ever want to read this s**t, and I stop. Is there kind of like a solution to this kind of stuff? Cause I want to write. But when I pick up my pen, or my hand hovers over the keyboard of the laptop, or the writing pad of my phone, my mind just goes blank.

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

8 Years Ago

I have the same problem. One day I get an idea, and I'm super exited, writing furiously, but then the next day, it's just like the magic is gone, and my mind is blank. Wish I knew how to solve it, but I don't. :(

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

8 Years Ago

Stare at a wall fore a will. I'm serious. As for no one reading it did you now that is a fear. If you white a story i will read it promise. As for ruining out of mojo relaxes if you ruses your self the ideas will come faster but you will also lose interest faster. 

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

8 Years Ago

Thanks @Drak(hope i spelt it correctly) for promising to read anything i write. I'm working on something now but it's a little bit far from being finished, or even getting to the middle. And Ember, I'm glad I'm not the only one, I always thought I was.

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

8 Years Ago

I have the same issue and always pay attention for advice on how to finish stories. The most common thing I've heard is that you must finish at least one story. It could be the worst thing you've ever written, but it is important that you complete it. This way, the next time you feel stuck with a story, you know that you posses the power to finish it. Also I am sure that your writing is not boring or disinteresting, its just that when you write something and re-read a bunch of times it seems boring because you are reading the same thing over and over. Hope this helps! 

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

7 Years Ago

I suffer from the same issue. I have so many unfinished projects, it's insane. Usually it's after I reread what I write, I'm like, "This is horrible. No one would read this," and I stop. The only thing that really helps me is just, well, experiencing things, if that makes sense. Sometimes I'll be somewhere with people, observing things, and a theory to finish a story pops into my head. Plus, I think writing out a brief storyline and plot before actually diving into the story will help. 

 Keeping myself busy usually helps as well because throughout the day, I'll be thinking about what I have to write, and when I finally get to it, its that little surprise you've been waiting for all day. When I'm doing nothing, however, it's like I'm forcing myself to write, which isn't fun.

 Everyone works differently-- these are just things I've picked up!

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

7 Years Ago

This is literally me in a nutshell. I was working on a screenplay for a while and I scrapped that. I worked on my first manuscript and put a lot of effort into it, including going back to the drawing board several times, then I abandoned that. I came up with a few minor ideas for a new story, but didn't get very far. Now, I have a new idea that I feel could actually turn into something decent, but I'm afraid I'm going to get discouraged again and quit. Oh yeah, I got so frustrated by my last project, I didn't write for months. I don't want that to happen again, but I don't know how to avoid that.....

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

7 Years Ago

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I've always had problems finishing my work after the first few chapters. After a while I'm just like, its too boring or no one will ever want to read this s**t, and I stop. Is there kind of like a solution to this kind of stuff? Cause I want to write. But when I pick up my pen, or my hand hovers over the keyboard of the laptop, or the writing pad of my phone, my mind just goes blank.
I have the same problem. Whenever I start a book and I find myself enjoying it, I slowly lose interest and I delete it because it just ends up taking space in my memory. I either end up losing interest, think bad of it, or I come up with a new idea. Although, I dislike writing. I personally enjoy typing. I don't have any suggestions, but I want to let you know that you're not alone with this problem... 

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

5 Years Ago

Sometimes, what I do is before I write a story, I write an outline. That way, I can add small clues in the beginning for  the end. I think it's okay to go off that outline though because that's when fun things happen to your story.

-hope this helped :)

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

5 Years Ago

yesss oh my god same. I just did organized the writing section on my computer and opened up basically everything I've written since I've been writing on a computer and I like I think I've finished two stories in my whole life. The two being really terrible but that's not the point ahahaha. And one of them was supposed to have a sequel so not even completely finished

Re: I have problems finishing what I start

1 Year Ago

What my English teacher in school tells us is that if you’re confused or just stuck (with writers block, losing motivation to continue, etc.) then a good way to get the gears turning and think of new ideas to start or continue is to get a paper and write something again and again. My teacher always tells us to write ‘I don’t know what to write’ and eventually we end up getting ideas out of boredom. I prefer doing it on keyboard though because depending on how many times you write it, it could be a waste if paper.

Another thing that I find helpful is to write 3 - 5 paragraphs of anything without double guessing yourself or stopping before you’re done with the paragraphs. This way you can get the creativity flowing. 

What I also enjoy doing is creating a mind-map/spider diagram with the centre as ‘story outcomes’ and then I write all the possible outcomes that I can think of. Then I create two more of the same diagrams - one for possible plot twists and one for possible endings. After that, I get two different coloured pens/pencils/highlighters and with one, I circle/highlight my favourite idea from each diagram and with the other pen I highlight/circle one from each diagram that I think would work best together based on the story. You could ask a friend, teacher, sibling or one of your parents which one they think you should use too. This way you’ll have lots of ideas on what to do.

I hope this helps.