Hunger Games Fan Group
Reviews of the Movie
Re: Reviews of the Movie12 Years AgoThe movie was amazing and my parents were confused why it ended so abruptly. Told them that they were alreeady starting on Catching Fire, and I could not wait for it. Our whole entire school loved the books so much that we held our own, (we didn't fight, more of just obstacle courses) giving each homeroom their own district (mine was district nine) and gather together for the school Hunger Games. This is how much we loved it. Movie was awesomer >_<
Re: Reviews of the Movie12 Years AgoHonestly..I thought the movie was terrific. I cried...twice. They couldn't made a better movie for The Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawerance as Katniss suprsed me. She IS Katniss. And Rue was perfect as well. So inocent and pure. Great book..and a GREAT movie.
Re: Reviews of the Movie12 Years AgoThey changed alot of things around which didn't make me to happy but the movie was pretty awesome. Cant wait for how they do Catching Fire!