Horror writers. : Forum : Welcome.


12 Years Ago

Just wanted to tell everyone welcome to my croup. I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to posting anything on this forum since creating it, but now since there are a few members I feel I have a responsibility to do so. If you have any questions for me, feel free to post on this thread, start your own thread or message me privately, either one suits me just as well.

Re: Welcome.

12 Years Ago

Just a reminder for everyone to continuously submit work into the group so I can feature it on the home page. I'm thinking things will start picking up whenever I start getting more people to join, so also if anyone has friends on the site please get them to join. We can start having contests and everything, which I will personally moderate. I'll also offer free proofreading for those in the group (but only once the group picks up momentum) Thank you everyone for your support.