Please help? :/
Please help? :/12 Years AgoHow do I stop feeling sad? Seriously, I need help. Life seems to be slipping away, and im always sad and there seems like nothing I can do about it; no healthy way at least. I've been cutting myself for a while now and it's getting worse and worse :/ I'm like...addicted. I hope someone has some advice!
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoMusic helps me
I remember being so sad one day. And I was like... super depressed Always by Switchfoot helped me so much |
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoI've been there. matter of fact, i am there. life is a funny sort of thing. it's got lots of ups and downs, and a bunch of crazy in the middle. the best part of it though, is that it's not permanent, and no part of it is. it's all a system of peaks and gulfs, but all of it ends as long as you keep on moving, which of course is the hardest part. when you're feeling depressed, you don't feel like doing anything. everything is useless, or you feel you don't deserve it. the key is to find something or someone that IS worth it. something to make you smile, make you forget to cry, and, if you're lucky, revive some form of passion. most everyone has something; be it writing, art, music, jogging, or anything really. something that at one time put a fire in your belly. it's hard to be modivated to start, but once you do, you'll find it's a much healthier way to release all the pent up feelings. it's not magic; it won't make them go away, but it will regulate them. it's even better if you can find someone to talk to, or at least cry with. just some way to get it out of your head and into the universe. everything ends eventually, you just have to keep moving.
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoThanks guys for your advice. None of it really helped, cause I'm afraid I'm too far done with life to believe that it's ever gonna get better, but thanks for trying, :)
Re: Please help? :/12 Years Agoyou need to find the beauty in life, don't pretend there's nothing wrong, mourn about it but don't make it your life. draw, sing, talk to your friends. go for walks and notice the little details like blossoming flowers, a shining sun, a laughing child. there is so much out there to be happy about, all you need to do is find it.
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoI've been in your shoes once and let me tell you that there is a better tomorrow and life will provide that. Please keep living. It's a nice thing no matter how dark it seems it is. Care to share what you're experiencing? It helps to tell people.
You can try talking to someone, eating, write it all out. Find beauty that makes life enjoyable. Also try not to be alone, it makes you think. Surround yourself with distractions or read about hopeful poetry. For me, I should have died a long time ago yet am still alive. Just think of how much of life you think you will be missing. Try this: Go out and walk around in nature. A park, forest or whatever just be careful. Go out in a sunny day and do any means necessary. Other than that I don't really know since I've gone through that phase through a daze. It just happens |
Re: Please help? :/12 Years Agodon't give up like that; you are not too far gone. if you really believed that you wouldn't have asked for help in the first place. i'm not going to lie to you; it's not going to be easy and it's not going to be quick. it won't be fun, and it won't make any sense while you're doing it, but it is possible. Don't give up, love. to use one of my favorite quotes; "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you
think." you are not a lost cause unless you teach yourself to be one. you can and will get through this. don't give up. don't give in. don't ever quit fighting. <3 <3 <3
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoI believe the first step is understanding where the negative energy first started. What event or moment or action in your life occurred so that you began to feel sad or depressed. Imagine life's energy as a river that flows through a human being, as it comes from the top to the bottom it flows through a funnel. Normally the funnel simply channels the negative energy away, but for some reason, it's been blocked up. Find the first first stone that caused the back up, and deal with only that. Once the original issue is resolved, then the other stones that have fallen on top, are far easier to contend with.
Re: Please help? :/12 Years Agoif there's someone letting you down and you know who, hit them where it hurts.
try reading and writing.... i agree, music helps too. try dancing (even if you're terrible at it - like me). And dream a lot. spend time in things which make you feel good, even if only a tiny bit. Try learning something new. That'll help too. Try to recall yourself as you were before you became that sad. What you used to do, how you used to think... Remember, you gotta give this thing a shot. If you really wanna be happy, it'll work. Trust me. Forever and Always Rhea |
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoTry finding an activity you enjoy, writing, singing, dancing, drawing, anything, and do it. Face your sadness, look it in the eye, and ask it why you are sad, try writing about it, just to get it out. Maybe try starting a journal. To quit the cutting, go off slowly. Reward yourself with something, like a hershey kiss or some treat or prize every day or half day you go without doing it. Try being with people you love and like, friends with the same intrests in you, make new friends, start an afterschool club or join one, and help out and voulenteer somewhere in your town. Become active and don't pretend your not sad, but you have to decide you want to be happy, start looking for the bright moments in your day, and hope.
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoThanks for the advice everyone!
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoHonestly, I was like that a few years ago. I never got to the point where I cut, but I did sometimes think of ending it. I always pushed the thought away, though. I reminded myself of all the people who would be sooo upset if I did.
That summer I spent trying to better myself. I became nicer, more optimistic, and, to decrease the amounts of bullying, skinnier (never anorexic, though) but mostly it was a mental change. And in the process, I found myself. |
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoThe only thing that has ever helped me see past the depression is our Lord and Savior. As a believer I know that no matter how close I am with God that Satan has free rein on all of our lives and he can do everything in his power to "destroy" us. However, by staying connected to God and others with the same faith is very helpful and healing. Research Celebrate Recovery - it's a spiritual 12 step program that can help you through any hurt, habit or hang up. It helped me get over my depression, relieved me of my past and helped me move forward one day at a time, one moment at a time. Life will never be easy and just because you are a Christian living in God's will doesn't mean life is suddenly going to become butterflies and rainbows because it isn't. Happiness is a choice and at times, a hard choice to make but if you stay connected, find people you can confide in and trust to talk to, and go to God and do what you feel is his will and purpose for your life... then nothing can tear you down, even when Satan throws negative energy your way, you'll find ways to stay connected with God and forget the attempts of Satan.
I read the bible and attend a Celebrate Recovery center on Thursday nights where I can meet other women that are just like me. A place where I can go and feel comfortable and safe to express myself and take off my mask and to be raw and know that they are there to listen - not to judge, not to gossip and the only time any one will speak to you about your problems is if you go directly to them. It's a wonderful place to be and honestly, it's the best place for anyone. Cutting is an amazing way to release pain and to feel better but I can promise you that in the long run it only makes things worse. I am embarrassed, ashamed and feel regret each time I see the scars on my wrist or recall the thought in which I thought taking my own life was worth it because of the life I had been given. It's not. And it doesn't matter if no one is there for you because God is and he always will be. It takes time to heal but with God, you can. I can assure you that and if you need anyone, ever... I am here for you. Just message me and if you need to talk on the phone, then ask and I'll send my digits. I don't mind being there for a fellow brother or sister, if it means helping them emotionally in the long run. Life is worth living and finding God proves that more than anything the world has to offer. |
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoYou, my friend have only created a fictitious demon in your mind. It is time you go to an orphanage and teach them, volunteer at a day care centre, go to an old age home and help them, see the better things in life, learn how to appreciate the beautiful sunrise,the lovely, vibrant spring morning with the buzzing of bees. the first winter snowfall. Life is not always worth living, it should be made worth living. Get busy with a hobby you're very passionate about. If you are a greenery supporter, get busy, there are enough support groups, atleast go hug a damn tree. If it's photography, then buy a camera and fire away, if you're just plain lazy, then there aren't enough movies one can finish Cutting up is a solution? Look at how people with severed arms or legs feel and then decide if it was all worth it.
Re: Please help? :/12 Years AgoMaybe you can go on to spirit1053.com and listen to the radio station...it has good encouraging music and stories..it helps me especially when I am sad and helps me stay connected with God. Hope it helps you.