HeartS Of InK : Forum : Join Contemporary Romance & Er..

Join Contemporary Romance & Erotica Writing Group if you're looking for freelance work

9 Years Ago

Hi Guys,

Just letting you know that VaskoBooks has created our own Writerscafe.org group in the hopes of finding any experienced and talented freelance writers looking for ghostwriting work.

Primarily we are looking for people with talent and experience in the Contemporary Romance & Erotica genre to ghostwrite a short story of 30K words. 

The pay rate for this is between $US600-800 depending on quality of work, with a dead line of approximately 4-6 weeks. However, we do try and be as flexible as possible so all terms are open to negotiation.

If you know of anyone or of any groups that would be interested in joining, I'd really appreciate if you could pass this information on!

Keep up the good work :)
