HeartS Of InK : Forum : Hello everyone I am Harlon Riv..

Hello everyone I am Harlon Rivers...

12 Years Ago

Thanks for inviting me and I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to answer a couple of questions.   I am a new member and have posted 20 some poems that vary in genre.  When I post new writing will I just do it normality?   I will get around to reading all writers as time allows and tell you up front that my emotional response to your writing is more heavily weighted in my book.   Technical structure, form, presentation all important but do I understand the piece based on an emotional connection?   I just love it when I want to read something several times because I am sucked in by the writer behind the quill.  Do they know me?  How could they...Is this about me? How could you have known my past...Or wow...you're a lot think me and I get that. An emotional connection as if I had written it.   I have found some wonderful writers here in a very short time and have found much inspiration here...I see a few you you here I have reviewed work already...Kudos to you all for sharing your life's reveries....

Re: Hello everyone I am Harlon Rivers...

12 Years Ago

Greetings Harlon ! 
From what I understand..we submit here if we wish  to be reviewed by anyone in the group...   ( : 

Re: Hello everyone I am Harlon Rivers...

12 Years Ago

How do we do that?

Re: Hello everyone I am Harlon Rivers...

12 Years Ago

click on the new writing section of the group and it will guide you ...