Harry Potter
Your favourite character?
Your favourite character?17 Years AgoWho is your favourite character and why? How do you relate to them?
For me, I find I relate to alot of the characters in certain ways, but I often relate to Harry the best. -Phoenix |
[no subject]17 Years AgoMine would have to be either Fred or George.... havent decided which.....i'm just like them with my friends at school......
[no subject]17 Years AgoMy favorite character is Hermoine. Because she's not only very strong and intelligent, but because I can really relate to her because we're very similar.
[no subject]17 Years AgoBah... you had to ask a hard question. LOL Dumbledore I suppose. He was wise and obviously the archatect of Harry's life. He was pragmatic but compassionate. He knew his limitations and worked within them. He was perhaps the most powerful character in the series, IMO.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI feel bad answering this question. I've never been too fond of Harry. But my favorite character is Luna. Who wouldn't want a best friend like her? Then again, she's also a lot like myself.
[no subject]17 Years AgoMy favorite is Hermione as far as 'being like me' goes. But I'm also a fan of mischief makers, so I love Fred too!
Sarah |
Re: Your favourite character?14 Years AgoI think I relate to Severus the most (and I like him the best) because he loved someone but that person chose someone else and he hides behind a mask and such.
Re: Your favourite character?12 Years AgoI think i can relate to hermione the most.
She is smart yet is bullied and is expected to do certain things. I find her funny and kind, which is why i like her the most (i also like Harry). |
Re: Your favourite character?12 Years AgoFred and George or Sirius Black(whom I <3) but if I had to chose another it'd have to be either hmmm Draco (Because he's not all that bad) or perhaps Luna (because she's just so great^_^
Re: Your favourite character?12 Years AgoMy favorite characters are dobby, luna, and serious.