Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Deathly H..
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows17 Years Ago[img]http://www.weeklyreader.com/readandwriting/content/binary/deathly%20hallows2.jpg[/img]
J.K. Rowling has done it again! Wow! What a way to end this magical series that I grew up with. This last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was a big deal for me, being that I've been reading Harry Potter for years and it's basically what got me into literature in the first place. This book, I could probably say, is my favourite in the entire series and an amazing ending. The characters that died certainly caught everyone by suprise, due to the fact that none of them were the ones that were predicted to perish, and one of them, who I'm sure alot of people were wishing to die, actually did... and in the end, you feel really sorry for him. There was one theory that I was absolutely certain of that turned out correct, but I won't go into details and leave spoilers, just in case someone reading this has still not finished the book. The morals behind this entire series, and this book especially, are morals everyone should take to the heart when finishing the series, because it's basically what it's all about: love, friendship, and unity for the greater good. It's really hard to miss the similarities between our world and the Wizarding world: government corruption, opression of other races and species, slavery, and different beliefs that clash and result in warfare, as well as a great mass of hatred and despair that seems to get to everyone. In the end, it takes a great hero like Harry to stand up to this and stand up to Death itself and face them with courage more than worthy of a Gryffindore, and he's certainly not alone, he has friends who absolutely refuse to leave his side... true friends. Something that got to me in the end was when all of the races seemed to join together at this one time of peril and need, how the centuars, who don't concern themselves with human matters, rushed into battle for the greater good, and how all of the house elves charged in beside wizards as equals, not slaves, to fight. After all this time, it's finally over... after over ten years of Potter, it's done. I can't deny that I am slightly depressed at that fact, especially because this is just another sign that my childhood is ending, just like Harry's. I've grown up reading the series and I've grown quite attached to all of the characters, and loosing one is like loosing a really good friend, and now that it's over, it's sort of like departing from all of them and saying goodbye.... It's a hard thing to accept, but I will carry on like Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and hopefully I'll have good friends like them who will stay with me and be there to see me grow old and see my family prosper, and I for theirs, and stay there until time embraces me and death pulls me from the cycle of the universe and my biological function is ended. This series has taught me that the only way to make a change is for everyone to unite in that cause, to unite to make a change for the better, or "the greater good". It may seem impossible at times, but together we can abolish war, abolish corruption in our government and theocracy, abolish religion (even if it claims to be working towards the same cause) which sparks more hatred and conflict than anything else in the world. Learn, discover, prosper, and strive to advance and make this world better, and maybe even someday see more of what else is out there in this vast universe that is, perhaps, beyond any human mind's comprehension. Some may think that Harry Potter books are for children, but you are sadly mistaken (especially for this book) Harry Potter is for ANYONE at all, and I think everyone should read it, because you'll learn alot more from it than you might expect. So if you have not read Harry Potter, I suggest you go to your local book store and pick up all seven books and do yourself a favour. "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." -Phoenix |
[no subject]17 Years AgoIndeed, Our leader is right. My heart was truly at sorrow at the final moments of The Deathly Hallows knowing it was at the end of the road, Hogwarts has to be the most peaceful home we will ever have. Hogwwarts IS our home.
- Christopher |
[no subject]17 Years AgoNamaste,
In all honesty, the reason I started writing was because the last work in the series was upcoming and I wanted something to stimulate me as much as she did. She is inspiring on many levels. I believe she will be the foundation for a great many artists in the future who will take her work to the next level... whatever that may be. Cheers. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoIndeed. After finishing the final book, I was very inspired to write and to finish my own.
-Phoenix |
[no subject]17 Years AgoThe very ending of the book is very sorrowful and inspiring. I never thought that the ending would turn out as it did, and I'll admit that it teared me up. She's a powerful writer who's able to do that kind of thing.
And I do agree that she started a legacy. The first one was rejected several times before it got picked up by a secretary, and then from there on she became a hit. There's no doubt that there's a few writers that are inspired by her power, and I hope that her future work will be just as powerful as the Harry Potter series. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI AGREE WITH CHRISTOPHER J
I mean to me hogwarts was a special get way and into the book i felt i was there thats how bad it is. im kinda sad that there are no more books coming out for the series to continue. but question for you j.k. rowling fans and harry potter fans to you how did you see the book and the charcters how did you relate to it? |