Harry Potter Fanatics(:<3 : Forum : HP7 Part 2

HP7 Part 2

14 Years Ago

I saw the first part of the movie when it came out, and I must say it is most definitely Yates' best!!!   I cried so many times throughout the movie, like when Hedwig and Dobby died. But I laughed so much too, like when Ron changes as Mary Cattermole was kissing him ... ah, funny times.   It seems like it was only yesterday that little Dan, Emma, and Rupert were getting together for the first movie. They were so adorable back then, and now they've all grown up. Heck, a lot of us have growp up with these guys. They're like my best friends!   Who can oh-so-totally not wait for the part 2??? How do ya think this part'll turn out??? And which'll be your favorite of the two?

Re: HP7 Part 2

14 Years Ago

My favourite part will probably be when Ron and Hermione have their first kiss together! I loved part 1 I saw it 2 times! I definitely think this one is better than the book! Which is a huge shocker! I